Saturday, August 13, 2011
Lunch/Dinner: Arby's jr. roast beef (6) and baked chips (3)
So tired!!! Me and Amanda had a great time last night. We went and listened to some live music. We got up late this morning so we missed zumba which was a bummer but then we met Sarah for some great brunch and then went to Stillwater. Mom and I watched the Help and then I came back home. I'm beat.
Ready to relax and re-energize tomorrow. Sunday's Game plan: Chores, zumba, cook food for rest of week. Hopefully some bread and I'm not sure what else.
- Breakfast: iced coffee, 1/2 an apple, bacon=7.92 NC
- Lunch: thin bun with PB, low carb mac and cheese
- Running Totals: 7.92/0 veggie/220 cal/4.89 protein/1 fiber
Friday, August 12, 2011
I'm feeling free (even though my next round is next Thursday) today!
Pizza was good. And I gorged myself (oops), but I liked every minute of it, haha!
- Breakfast: iced coffee
Amanda and JP left at like 10. I have been here at the computer ever since re-doing our financials to our business plan so I can send them off tomorrow to be looked at and so the bank can have a copy.
I think I need a vacation. I know starting a business is hard work and for the most part I really like it but I just wish there was enough time in the day to do my regular job, exercise, cook dinner, hang out with friends and enough time left to really work on the truck as much as I'd like. Eventually I'm sure I'll get the time management thing down. Is this a sign I need a mortar board again? Maybe I do! I just know that exercise has gone down the tubes these last 2 days and I don't feel as good about myself. I have to remember that exercising and eating right are the two things that are going to give me the energy to keep up a crazy schedule.
I hope the test went well! and I hope you had some really awesome pizza tonight
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I'm not going to write my food here today because I don't want to feel bad about it because it was good (and pretty healthy) and was for my test. I will be eating pizza tonight. And I won't feel bad. And I won't be working out until tomorrow. I got a new workout outfit and I am excited to try it out. :)
Sounds like things are looking up for the business! Keep me updated!!
Good luck with dinner tonight.....I can call and say something bad happened if needed.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Cool Wednesday
Lunch: Irma's black bean burger w/fries (?)
Dinner: Greek burgers (7)(no turkey apparently there was a recall on ground turkey), zucchini fries (4), corn on the cob(2)
Dessert: cupcake(?) and skim milk (2)
No work today. I'm going to a small business workshop then to lunch w/business partner, then to banks for more financing begging and then my parents are coming into town and I'm cooking them dinner.
Busy but hopefully productive day.
This weather is gorgeous though!!!
Best of luck studying and rest that smart head of yours!!!!
Today was pretty productive. The new business workshop was good. Lunch at Irma's was delicious. The bank I went to seems promising at least for now then I got my oil changed, bought groceries and then cooked for the parents. They just now left (9:20). I'm beat. I think I'll take a break from exercise today. I just feel exhausted. I'm going to clean the kitchen and get into bed and read. I need to rest up because tomorrow is work and then eating with the entire Perkins family. Get excited!
Winds-day (and rain too!)
- Breakfast: special K protein plus, blueberries, almond slivers, almond milk, iced coffee
- Lunch: low carb mac and cheese, apple, sun-butter
- Dinner: I'm eating at my in-law's, so who knows.
- Snack:
- Fitness: walking hills on the treadmill for 30mins = -350
I just read a status on facebook and thought I would share:
Ashley Russell-Drake:Faith D. Mahoney: What are you doing?
Ashley Russell-Drake: Only water and those healthy frozen meals twice a day and working out. We are having a weight loss challenge at work for 6 weeks.When will people realize that doing stuff like this is unhealthy?? I just want to shake her and ask what is wrong with her. A few months ago all she could talk about was doing the hCG diet and only eating 500calories a day (hmm, wonder why you lose weight on that one?). I mean sure, we've all cut calories, but these extreme ideas are what really bother me. Good luck keeping that up for 6 weeks.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
- Breakfast: acorn squash with butter, iced coffee= 21.15NC (20.23)
- Lunch: Ghengis Grill
- Snack: tomatoes
- Dinner: 2 soft tacos, 100 calorie wholly guacamole, 1 handful of chips, 2 stuffed jalapenos
- Snack: apple with 1tbs sun-butter
- Water: XXXX XXXX
- Running Totals: 21.15NC/20.23 veggie/232 cal/2.74 protein/3.4 fiber
Well, not such a good day. This evening, I looked at my registration stuff for my board exams, and realized I'd had a stroke or something.... My test isn't next Thursday like I'd been thinking/planning's THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!! Great Amanda, really great. At least I didn't no-show to a $1500 test. But damn. I feel dumb. And I really want a cupcake or something really terrible for me now. But, I'm not going to. I have some "no sugar added" ice cream waiting for me in the freezer (and I will make James dish me a mindful amount). I have apples and peanut butter. I'm set. I'm proud of myself, but I won't be working out tonight. I just feel like tonight is my last full night to cram. I'll study more tomorrow, but tomorrow evening I will be taking off to rest my brain. I know I'll be fine on the test, but it really stresses me out when I do stuff like this.
Tuesday the 9th
Lunch: Salmon burger w/peach salsa (5), pudding (2) , pretzels w/salsa (5) , banana (0) = 12 points = 617 calories
Dinner: 2 salmon burgers w/peach salsa (10), a green veggie of some sort
Dessert: Raspberries (0), vitatop muffin (3)
Fitness: 1 hr. zumba ....I set my alarm to get up and run and it didn't happen. I just can't get out of bed to exercise. It may never happen.
Looking into joining the YMCA. They have zumba too but a lot of other things I want to try.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Getting Back on Track Monday
- Breakfast: 2 pieces of bacon, 4oz tomatoes, iced coffee=3.80NC (2.88)
- Lunch: 10 oz acorn squash, baked tilapia, butter= 25.25 NC (25.24)
- Snack: 2oz tomatoes=1.44NC (1.44)
- Dinner: hamburger patty with bacon and cheese, stuffed mushrooms x4=8.06
- Snack: 1 apple with 2 tbs sun-butter=
- Fitness: Walking, abs, and stretching= -624cal
- Water: X X X X X X X X
- Running Totals: 57.31NC/31.68 Veggie/1505kcal/77.3 protein/14.4 fiber
I don't think there's a problem with eating out a lot (unless it is fast food) if you are able to have some control over the portion/stopping the moment you begin to feel full. I say this, but I know I struggle to do either of those things when I eat out.
I've also decided that I like keeping an eye on my carbs/sugar intake, but I don't want to feel bad about eating fruit or carby-vegetables (like my squash today). I am fine with eating these things and don't want to have to limit them (and their vitamins/minerals) just because they are a little higher in carbs. I've decided that I will avoid sugar and processed foods as much as possible because they make me binge (i.e. cake pops followed by hamburger and fries, followed by chips, etc..... I just crave junk after I eat sugar). I like the Atkins diet in its entirety except for the avoidance of fruits. Looking back and talking about it with my parents, my great grandparents lived until they were like 90--and what did they eat? They were farmers, so they always had meat, eggs, milk, and all of the fresh/canned fruits and veggies they wanted. They didn't have the money to buy a whole lot of flour and sugar. And they fried everything in bacon grease. This is why I am ok with fat too--the elevated blood sugar and insulin cause you to store extra fat and cause your bad cholesterol to go up (=heart attack). I just feel like sometimes if I were to live a simpler way of life (i.e. without fake food) I'd be much healthier. Trying to find a balance between my love of ice cream/sweets and eating right is really hard for me, but I think it is what I need.
(I realize that paragraph was a bunch of rambling....haha. I'm not sure it even makes sense to me. In a nutshell: I'm not going to count fruit veggies against me, I'm ok with fat if I am staying away from the sugar, and I need a balance of real food and the sweets I love. )
Loving this storm! Although, it was one of the eeriest things I've ever seen when it started, all of the smoke from the surrounding wild fires was blowing around and it didn't actually smell like rain, even though it was pouring outside. So strange. I'm very thankful for it though--we've been a bit stressed out with all the fires, and the one that was by our house had spread up to the surrounding towns and was taking out houses today (it's put out near us though--it's just covered a massive area).
I'm not going to run today, I'm going to walk my hills and do some strength training. I'm just not feeling the jogging thing today, but I'm not going to let that be an excuse not to exercise at all. I think I am low on energy because up until dinner I had only eaten 400 calories....just haven't been as hungry today. Anyway--putting on my workout shoes right now. I have to workout so I can have the gift I bought for myself when it comes in tomorrow--a new pair of work-out shorts. I really love rewarding myself for working out with new clothes/equipment. It's like a happy cycle that reinforces the good.. :)
Oh, and I am now "following" other people's fitness inspiration boards on pinterest. I figured it might be unhealthy for me to create my own and obsess about what I want my body to look like, but I like to browse through other peoples.... I think it is less focused if I do that. Here's a good one:
Lunch: tuna salad on whole wheat bread(6), 100 calorie pack of cheese-its(3), pudding(2) = 11 points = 474 calories
Dinner: Salmon patty (5), peach salsa(0), zucchini fries (6) = 11 points = 573 calories ....This was so good. Thank you weight watchers for a great recipe!!! It was really filling too. It said I could eat two of the burgers for 10 points and then eat half of the fries for 3 but I was getting full so I decided to save the extra burger and eat the fries. I don't think they would be good tomorrow anyway. They were delicious. And not that bad for you!

Dessert: vitatop muffin, raspberries
Activity: Running (Run 12, walk 2 repeat twice) . Scratch that, it's raining and lightning outside so I did Jillian Ripped in 30 week 2. I love her!!!
This blog is so great! I know we are counting calories/points/carbs, etc. but she makes some really great points. Tell me what you think!
I totally agree about having a check system with the tracking. I'm afraid I would just go back to eating whatever I wanted. I hope to one day learn to eat mindfully and only when I'm full and to crave good things not only because I like the taste but because they are good for my body. I may try more of her ideas. Like making my own bread, eating less processed foods(I'm trying to do this but it's hard for me. I love chips, crackers, cereal), cooking more, etc. I think I'm starting to do this and it does make me feel better. I think I love eating out too much. And this is why I need to see a therapist.
Salmon Burgers w/Peach Salsa
Salsa: combine 2 large diced peaches w/1 small, cored, seeded and finely chopped jalapeno pepper and 1 tsp fresh lemon juice in medium bowl; add 1 1/2 tsp sugar; mix well. Stir in 1/8 tsp salt and 2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro. Set aside.
Burgers: Preheat grill. Drain 14 3/4 oz. can red salmon and break into small chunks. Place in medium bowl; mash bones w/fork. Add 1 finely chopped medium scallion, 2 1/2 tsp lemon zest, 1 beaten large egg, 1/4 tsp black pepper and 3 1/2 tbsp dried whole wheat bread crumbs. Mix well. Shape into 4 1" think patties.
Gently place burgers in grill basket or on grill rack. Grill at medium-high heat 3 to 5 minutes. Flip and grill until golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes more. Serve w/salsa on the side. 1 serving = 1 burger and 1/2 salsa
zucchini fries: Preheat over to 425 degrees. Coat baking sheet w/cooking spray. In small bowl, mix 1 tsp italian seasoning, 1 1/2 tbsp flour, and 3/4 tsp salt. Place 3/4 cup dried bread crumbs in another bowl. Cut 2 medium zucchini in half crosswise, then cut each half into 8 pieces lengthwise. Dredge pieces in flour mixture, then dip into 2 large egg whites whipped until frothy; dredge in bread crumbs. Place zucchini on prepared baking sheet; coat w/cooking spray. Roast, turning once, until desired crispness, about 12 minutes. Yields about 8 fries per serving. I only used one zucchini. That was probably good for two people but I was extra hungry. They were good w/ketchup!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sorry I haven't posted anything. It's been chaos around here. Yesterday we had to evacuate our house due to wildfires being a few blocks away and I ended up taking the dogs and going to mom and dads. It was crazy! We seriously thought we might lose our house and stuffed everything we could into our two cars. Well now everything is a mess and today has been spent sleeping and starting to get this back in order. My computer is somewhere in a laundry basket, so I'll get it set up and be back around tomorrow. Staying at my moms was bad too because she is testing out cake pop recipes. So of course, I volunteered my services as food critic. I'm a fan of cake pops! And I haven't exercised at all either. Needless to say my tummy hurts and I feel like crap right now, haha. When will we ever learn that crappy food makes us feel crappy too??
We've now been paranoid because it smells like smoke so bad at our house and it is basically raining ash. We just got back from driving around and the nearest fire seems to be about a mile away. Hopefully they get it under control soon. At least most of the trees and grass surrounding our neighborhood are already burnt up so there isn't much left to fuel a fire.
Your meals look amazing dude! Yummy and artistic!
I think the wii thing sounds like a good idea