Happy Saturday!
Just returned from toning zumba. My body is still sore from the first week back of hardcore workouts but I am feeling good. I took yesterday off and I'm glad I did. I think I would really like to get into the habit of working out Saturday-Thursday with Friday being my off day.
I haven't done very well on my water intake for the week or cooking at home. This next week will hopefully be more of a standard routine week so I'm excited to get some sort of schedule down. I'm going to be creating a menu for the week because I'm going to have to start packing my lunches since I can't drive home for lunch anymore.
Off to the women's Basketball game today in Stillwater. I will be posting more later on some new things I've been thinking about trying.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Congrats on it being your last day at your old and busted job. Hope it was a great day, spent at home!
I just wanted to share with you my first official Bento-Lunch!
I just wanted to share with you my first official Bento-Lunch!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I had almost an entire day off!!! I was able to take down all my Christmas decorations and get everything put into the shed. My garage is looking so good! Now I just need to get some peg board so I can hang my tools and garden stuff up.
I did zumba at the Y last night (saw Tera there) and the instructor always incorporates some weights so not only did it already hurt to walk from Jillian I had extra pain this morning. So much pain in fact that it hurt to move in bed. However I am taking a break tomorrow so I made myself go to zumba tonight. It was a little painful in spots but I feel better and am glad I went. In other news the groupon today was for my zumba studio. Usually I pay $60 for a 10 class pass but right now the 10 pass is only $15. Heck yeah! That was a great email to wake up to.
I am feeling really good about this week. I have worked out everyday from Saturday til today. I've been doing decent on my food. Trying to make healthier decisions but not tracking every little thing. So far the scale is down 2.5 pounds from Sunday but we'll see what it says on Sunday. My weight tends to fluctuate during the week quite a lot.
Hope you're feeling better today. Tomorrow's Friday (last day at HT forever!) get excited!
I did zumba at the Y last night (saw Tera there) and the instructor always incorporates some weights so not only did it already hurt to walk from Jillian I had extra pain this morning. So much pain in fact that it hurt to move in bed. However I am taking a break tomorrow so I made myself go to zumba tonight. It was a little painful in spots but I feel better and am glad I went. In other news the groupon today was for my zumba studio. Usually I pay $60 for a 10 class pass but right now the 10 pass is only $15. Heck yeah! That was a great email to wake up to.
I am feeling really good about this week. I have worked out everyday from Saturday til today. I've been doing decent on my food. Trying to make healthier decisions but not tracking every little thing. So far the scale is down 2.5 pounds from Sunday but we'll see what it says on Sunday. My weight tends to fluctuate during the week quite a lot.
Hope you're feeling better today. Tomorrow's Friday (last day at HT forever!) get excited!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Stomach Bug and Bathing Suits?
Well, it was a pretty lousy day again for me. I woke up dry heaving this morning, crawled to the couch and then proceeded to sleep until noon! After eating a little bit of lunch I felt back to normal though, so I'm not sure what is going on (DDx: congestion drainage vs. low blood sugar vs. stomach bug).
DDx= Differential diagnosis, or the list we medical people start making in our heads of possible diseases/ailments when talking to a patient
I ended up doing some baking today and then working out before dinner. I took it a bit easier and just did a bit of strength training followed by a lot of stretching. The scale is being SUPER nice to me though (even though I have this psuedo-eating disorder thing going for me, as my appetite has been pretty crummy....gross)
Something fun I did today: I ordered my bathing suit from Victoria's Secret!! I ordered it in the size I want it to be for our trip and plan on working my butt off to fit in it!! The best part is, they've got most of their bathing suits on clearance, so I got it for half of the original price (because it is SO last year, I suppose).
Well I apparently jinxed myself after writing that my week would be like a vacation because as soon as I posted that my email went nutso and I have to finish an accrual for a bank and a non-profit return by Friday so it looks like it will be a regular week. Oh well.
I was still able to make it to the Food bank last night but I still came home and worked out with Jillian. I did her No More Trouble Zones dvd and let me tell you...it is a Killer. It hurts to walk down stairs today but I'm glad I did it. My arms are pretty sore too so I think I'll go to Zumba class at the Y tonight instead of kickboxing to give my arms and legs a day to rest.
I will be posting links tonight (hopefully) to some of the recipe staples I'm going to be using for my winter meals.
Favorite meals to make for winter:
Mini Mexican Casseroles
Spicy Tempeh Chili
Hummus Melts
Garbanzo Garlic Knots
Potato stuffed acorn squash
Hungry Girl Turkey Taco Meatloaf
I was still able to make it to the Food bank last night but I still came home and worked out with Jillian. I did her No More Trouble Zones dvd and let me tell you...it is a Killer. It hurts to walk down stairs today but I'm glad I did it. My arms are pretty sore too so I think I'll go to Zumba class at the Y tonight instead of kickboxing to give my arms and legs a day to rest.
I will be posting links tonight (hopefully) to some of the recipe staples I'm going to be using for my winter meals.
Favorite meals to make for winter:
Mini Mexican Casseroles
Spicy Tempeh Chili
Hummus Melts
Garbanzo Garlic Knots
Potato stuffed acorn squash
Hungry Girl Turkey Taco Meatloaf
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Here are some helpful links that I use to help with strength training!
Scroll down on the second one to watch videos of how to do certain exercises.
I'm planning on keeping a schedule much like the one they use for Body for Life workouts (listed on the first link)so I can really focus on getting toned.
I went by the little gym here tonight to check when Zumba is--and it is offered M/T/R/F here! All in the evening! I'm so excited and am pretty sure I'm going to start going once a week. Six bucks well spent per week!
Scroll down on the second one to watch videos of how to do certain exercises.
I'm planning on keeping a schedule much like the one they use for Body for Life workouts (listed on the first link)so I can really focus on getting toned.
I went by the little gym here tonight to check when Zumba is--and it is offered M/T/R/F here! All in the evening! I'm so excited and am pretty sure I'm going to start going once a week. Six bucks well spent per week!
Good morning! I am "on call" this week since there isn't much for me to do at my job since I only have 4 days left and they don't want me to start on any big projects so this week is sort of like another vacation for me. This means I really need to take advantage of this time and get the house organized and everything caught up in time for busy season. I'm trying to think of everything I want to get accomplished.
Here are the big things:
1. Put away all Christmas decor
2. Get garage fully cleaned out (I'm half way there)
3. Replace garbage disposal
4. Finish painting china hutch
5. Do an overall scrubbing of the house
6. Create a list of meals and ingredients so that menu planning won't be such a struggle for me
Today I am going to tackle the Christmas decor and the garage and then hopefully shop for my new garbage disposal and paint for the hutch.
I'm continuing on with the exercising today. I was going to do zumba this evening but I think I'm going to go to Perkins instead to help with the food bank so I will exercise before I leave. I'm thinking about doing a Jillian Michaels DVD with strength training. I really need to investigate more strength training moves to do regularly. I'd like to break up my week and do arms on one day and legs on another. If you have any tips I'd be more than happy to take them!
Here are the big things:
1. Put away all Christmas decor
2. Get garage fully cleaned out (I'm half way there)
3. Replace garbage disposal
4. Finish painting china hutch
5. Do an overall scrubbing of the house
6. Create a list of meals and ingredients so that menu planning won't be such a struggle for me
Today I am going to tackle the Christmas decor and the garage and then hopefully shop for my new garbage disposal and paint for the hutch.
I'm continuing on with the exercising today. I was going to do zumba this evening but I think I'm going to go to Perkins instead to help with the food bank so I will exercise before I leave. I'm thinking about doing a Jillian Michaels DVD with strength training. I really need to investigate more strength training moves to do regularly. I'd like to break up my week and do arms on one day and legs on another. If you have any tips I'd be more than happy to take them!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Not much to report today. Spent the night at the parents so I helped mom with delivering meals this morning then we went to lunch and stopped by Hastings. I got a new book, The Idiot's Guide to the Bible. I'm hoping this will aid in my understanding since I've heard it's very easy to get bogged down when just reading it straight.
Trying to get all my finances up to date. I keep a spreadsheet that tracks every expense and then I categorize it so I got that caught up and am trying to create a new one for 2012. I liked last year's but it was a little too generalized and I'd like to make it where I can drill down even more to break out things like fast food, clothes, etc. This year I just had a weekly column where all my expenses went there that weren't for utilties, housing, etc and then if I went over my weekly budget then the excess went into my "Extra" column and I had a budget for Extra for the year that was meant for items here and there that weren't weekly expenses. Overall I liked being able to see if I was making a profit and where my money was going but I think I can make it even more detailed this year so I can narrow in on even more areas to cut back on.
Cardio Kick class is tonight at 6:30. I'm excited to get to take out some frustration and try out my new gloves!Class was cancelled tonight because they are still refinishing the floor in the aerobics room so I went to my Y and did an hour on the elliptical (5.75 miles, 660 calories burned)
I also need to go to Target tonight to get a new receipt holder for 2012 receipts, some new storage boxes for decorations (yes, my Christmas stuff is still up) and a new composition book to record my workouts. I'm still thinking about getting a calendar so I can mark the days I do/don't workout.
Trying to get all my finances up to date. I keep a spreadsheet that tracks every expense and then I categorize it so I got that caught up and am trying to create a new one for 2012. I liked last year's but it was a little too generalized and I'd like to make it where I can drill down even more to break out things like fast food, clothes, etc. This year I just had a weekly column where all my expenses went there that weren't for utilties, housing, etc and then if I went over my weekly budget then the excess went into my "Extra" column and I had a budget for Extra for the year that was meant for items here and there that weren't weekly expenses. Overall I liked being able to see if I was making a profit and where my money was going but I think I can make it even more detailed this year so I can narrow in on even more areas to cut back on.
I also need to go to Target tonight to get a new receipt holder for 2012 receipts, some new storage boxes for decorations (yes, my Christmas stuff is still up) and a new composition book to record my workouts. I'm still thinking about getting a calendar so I can mark the days I do/don't workout.
Well last night was a bit rough--I came home and started getting sick. Not sure what the deal was, but feel much better now. Hopefully it was just a 12 hour bug. (On a brighter note, I'm down a pound and a half since yesterday....that doesn't count as bulemia, right? haha)
I have a couple of things for today:
1. I found a good calculator for average heart rate and calories burned, so we can estimate yesterday's workout. http://www.triathlontrainingblog.com/calculators/calories-burned-calculator-based-on-average-heart-rate/ Based on this link and others I've found, the estimate on my watch was pretty close to being correct, meaning I burned around 1500 calories! WOW.
2. This go-round I am going to try using a workout supplement. You mix it with your water during your workouts and it helps with recovery and with soreness. It is made up of B vitamins and branched-chain amino acids. So I'll report back and let you know how it goes. So far, I'm just waiting on it to get here....ordered it last week which was probably a bad idea.
3. I tried a new recipe yesterday morning and it worked out great! I made these little breakfast muffins made out of egg, a slice of turkey or ham, and a little bit of cheese sprinkled on top. The best part? They can be put in the fridge and reheated in the microwave--so you have breakfast for the rest of the week! Here's what I did: To fill a muffin pan (12 cups) I mixed 12 eggs up with some salt and pepper, put a slice of lunch meat in each muffin cup(spray with cooking spray first), poured the egg into each cup and sprinkled with cheese. The egg will go outside of the meat, but that is ok. Then I sprinkled a little bit of cheese on each one and baked at 350 for about 15 minutes (until really puffed up). When I brought them out, some still had jiggle middles, but after cooling, they were fine.
I have a couple of things for today:
1. I found a good calculator for average heart rate and calories burned, so we can estimate yesterday's workout. http://www.triathlontrainingblog.com/calculators/calories-burned-calculator-based-on-average-heart-rate/ Based on this link and others I've found, the estimate on my watch was pretty close to being correct, meaning I burned around 1500 calories! WOW.
2. This go-round I am going to try using a workout supplement. You mix it with your water during your workouts and it helps with recovery and with soreness. It is made up of B vitamins and branched-chain amino acids. So I'll report back and let you know how it goes. So far, I'm just waiting on it to get here....ordered it last week which was probably a bad idea.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
So excited about starting 2012 out right! I'm just going to get the worst part over with and post all my stats.
1/1/12 Stats
Weights: 158 pounds
Arms: 12"
Bust: 34.5"
Waist: 29"
Thigh: 24"/25"
Calves: 15.5"/15.5"
"Before pics"
Well there's my starting point! Off to drink some coconut water (found it at Whole foods) and eat some yogurt!
Excited about Zumba-ing with you today!
So excited about starting 2012 out right! I'm just going to get the worst part over with and post all my stats.
1/1/12 Stats
Weights: 158 pounds
Arms: 12"
Bust: 34.5"
Waist: 29"
Thigh: 24"/25"
Calves: 15.5"/15.5"
"Before pics"
Well there's my starting point! Off to drink some coconut water (found it at Whole foods) and eat some yogurt!
Excited about Zumba-ing with you today!
Happy New Years!!
I just wanted to put out a few things (I'm not big on resolutions really...) to look forward to in 2012:
1. This is going to be a strange year for me. The first half will be easy enough, but then, overnight, I will become a doctor, and with that title will come immense responsibility for people's lives. I think I am ready for this, but it is still scary though to think about.
2. In preparation for July 1 (first day of residency) and the physical toll it takes on many, I want to get the in the best possible shape I can. I think this will help battle fatigue. I plan to focus on seeing how strong I can get. I have lots of stuff to do resistance/strength training here at home, but I plan on joining the little gym here if I need some real weight machines. I want to continue strength training throughout residency as well, but I don't think I can commit to saying I will do the same number of workouts once July gets here.
3. I have a lot of free time for the next 6 months, so I want to use it to better myself. I plan on embracing "my true self" as much as possible. For example, I have recently started The Curly Girl Method and am currently embracing my curly hair (Did you know I had curly hair?? I didn't--I always thought it was just sort of wavy, but after about 2 weeks of doing this, I can clearly see curls!). I'm also trying to embrace my fair skin.....this is harder than I thought it would be. I have been fake tanning since high school! (I'm not sure how successful I will be at this one. We are going to Orlando in March and I plan on being ready for a bathing suit, but I'm not sure I can do it without having a little bit of color!). I've just started learning Spanish (Santa brought me Rosetta Stone) and I love it! I'm so excited to have this additional bit of knowledge in my tool belt! And of course, as mentioned before, I want to be in the best physical shape I can be going into residency. I also plan into looking into Zumba here in town, although I really hate the beginning of the year when gym's are so crowded!
So there ya have it, my things to look forward to in 2012. Most of them sort of focus on the first 6 months, but I know I have lots to look forward to in the second half of the year as well. My goal there is to just make it through those first six months of residency!!
Later today I will be posting my starting stats and workout sheet. I'm going to try to start back with the good eating today, but James is such a Monday-Start type of person, I'm not sure if he will comply, haha. We are doing "induction" for the next two weeks, which is basically carb/sugar detox on Atkins, and believe me, it feels like detox. I am nervous about the workout schedule, as you aren't supposed to do anything very high intensity while on induction. I am going to give myself the option of just power walking if I have "induction flu" (i.e. feel like crap). Last time I only felt bad for about 48 hours, but poor James felt crappy for nearly a week and a half.
Today: I'm going to do some cooking for the week. (I'm in love with planning out your weekly menu and then just shopping from that list--saved me SO much money!). Will post pics later of my creations!
I just wanted to put out a few things (I'm not big on resolutions really...) to look forward to in 2012:
1. This is going to be a strange year for me. The first half will be easy enough, but then, overnight, I will become a doctor, and with that title will come immense responsibility for people's lives. I think I am ready for this, but it is still scary though to think about.
2. In preparation for July 1 (first day of residency) and the physical toll it takes on many, I want to get the in the best possible shape I can. I think this will help battle fatigue. I plan to focus on seeing how strong I can get. I have lots of stuff to do resistance/strength training here at home, but I plan on joining the little gym here if I need some real weight machines. I want to continue strength training throughout residency as well, but I don't think I can commit to saying I will do the same number of workouts once July gets here.
3. I have a lot of free time for the next 6 months, so I want to use it to better myself. I plan on embracing "my true self" as much as possible. For example, I have recently started The Curly Girl Method and am currently embracing my curly hair (Did you know I had curly hair?? I didn't--I always thought it was just sort of wavy, but after about 2 weeks of doing this, I can clearly see curls!). I'm also trying to embrace my fair skin.....this is harder than I thought it would be. I have been fake tanning since high school! (I'm not sure how successful I will be at this one. We are going to Orlando in March and I plan on being ready for a bathing suit, but I'm not sure I can do it without having a little bit of color!). I've just started learning Spanish (Santa brought me Rosetta Stone) and I love it! I'm so excited to have this additional bit of knowledge in my tool belt! And of course, as mentioned before, I want to be in the best physical shape I can be going into residency. I also plan into looking into Zumba here in town, although I really hate the beginning of the year when gym's are so crowded!
So there ya have it, my things to look forward to in 2012. Most of them sort of focus on the first 6 months, but I know I have lots to look forward to in the second half of the year as well. My goal there is to just make it through those first six months of residency!!
Later today I will be posting my starting stats and workout sheet. I'm going to try to start back with the good eating today, but James is such a Monday-Start type of person, I'm not sure if he will comply, haha. We are doing "induction" for the next two weeks, which is basically carb/sugar detox on Atkins, and believe me, it feels like detox. I am nervous about the workout schedule, as you aren't supposed to do anything very high intensity while on induction. I am going to give myself the option of just power walking if I have "induction flu" (i.e. feel like crap). Last time I only felt bad for about 48 hours, but poor James felt crappy for nearly a week and a half.
Today: I'm going to do some cooking for the week. (I'm in love with planning out your weekly menu and then just shopping from that list--saved me SO much money!). Will post pics later of my creations!
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