Lunch: 8 oz. of butternut squash (0), 14 pretzel rods (3), 2 tbsp hummus (2), broccoli florets (0) = 5 points = 343 calories. This is one of those meals that WW is going to give me for really low points but calories wise it's not.

Snack: Peach (0), Yoplait yogurt (3) = 3 points = 148 calories
Dinner: Turkey burger (5), light bun (2), aspargus (0), with 1 tsp of evoo (1) = 8 points = 365 calories Haha it looks like I have two turkey patties on there but I made my burgers too thick but not very wide that I have to cut them in half to eat on a bun. I will do better next time.

Dessert: Vita top muffin = 3 points = 100 calories
Total for today = 24 points = 1254 calories
My goal for today is do my pilates workout - the extended one and then make a meal plan for the week. I need to vary up my breakfasts. Eggs are good but I'm getting a little burnt out.
I did my other strength training dvd last night. It was good all except for when I had to balance on my right leg because I think it was putting too much pressure on the foot so I will just do pilates today to rest it and then I won't work out tomorrow. I'm going to try not working out the day before weigh-in.
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