Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday: Manda

B: toast (1), coffee (1)
S: 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
L: pita pizza with mushrooms (4)=7/20
S: trail mix (3)=10/20

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday: Manda

I love this girl:

She does WW and tracks things in a really neat way! It is pretty motivating.
I love how she does screen shots of stuff!

Are you still going to track on your own during your busy time? I just worry you will be stressed out for 3 months and back track on your weight loss, so I'm trying to help think of a solution (whether you want one or not-haha). I think the pre-made meals are a good idea for you though. That will help, knowing you have dinner already made. I just know that if I had 3 months of test block, I'd gain it all back and then some! Let me know if you want to brainstorm on this idea any further. I'm here to help. :)

I'm still trying to figure out a way to stay in control when I have to drive in to school. It seems like when I have to get up so early, that I am just hungrier (I guess I probably am since I am awake for more hours of the day) and I want to eat everything. Plus, I need to get this whole thing figured out before I start 3rd year. I'm thinking if I started going to the gym while I was at school, that maybe that would (A) give me activity points to eat, (B) seem like a fun reward that makes the drive in worth it, and (C) the activity that I desperately need. I can listen to lectures on my mp3 player or look over notes while on a cardio machine. I think I'll try it soon, especially with this bad weather we keep having. Doing anything outside is nearly impossible.

Ok, here's today's plan:

B: toast(1), coffee (1)=2/20
S: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
L: chicken stir-fry (6), salad (0)=9/20
S: small SLIVER of chocolate cake with NO icing--it hit the spot (5)=14/20
D: home-made hamburger (5), sun chips (3)=22/20
S: 1/2 an apple (0) =22/20
Act: resistance bands and stretching (+2)