Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year-Day 1

So the holidays are not officially over, especially not this year-I still have my family Christmas next weekend but I am ready to get back to the grind. I have been trying to watch portions but let's be real-I ate a bunch of stuff this past couple weeks.

I read on Postsecret one comment that said, no resolutions...just change. I like that but knowing me I have to make resolutions so here are mine for 2010.

-Reach goal weight (only 15 pounds to go!)
-Cook more often. I am thinking about preparing two meals on the weekends for weeknights.
-Fix up the house like I want it.
-Start learning how to garden.
-Grow my hair out.(This sounds silly because it takes no effort but this is to remind myself not to cut it when I get mad at this in-transition style)
-Get into a daily routine. (workout, get ready, breakfast, work, come home and find a hobby for the evenings)
-Stay current on all my appointments. No more waiting for dentist or eye doctor so that I completely dread it.

I think I am going to weigh in and remeasure today so I can start fresh. I am thinking with busy season that it will be hard to make it to weight watcher meetings so I may do the weight watchers online until after April or until I hit my goal weight which will get me into WW for free. I am thinking about setting a goal of April 15th to hit my goal weight as a way to focus myself during busy season. I know that gaining weight through that stressful time will only make me feel that much worse so I am trying to plan for it.

Happy New Year!