Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday--Beware, this is a long post....

Brunch: low carb Mac and Cheese, coffee
Dinner:  veggie beef stew and flax bread
Mini Goals For Today:

  1. Start cleaning the garage
  2. Really focus on getting my water in
  3. grocery shopping (today or tomorrow)
  4. Pick up the living room and kitchen
  5. Stretch out really well
  6. Teeth whitening strips
  7. bubble bath (Amanda, you've got to shave your legs for goodness sake)
  8. Study a little bit
  9. Try a new recipe

Yesterday I ate A LOT of crap.  Today's a new day though.  Going to make sure to get my activity in today (I've not been doing so well the past couple of days).  I've decided that I really should take my lunch every day because if I don't I make really bad choices, like eating cookies for dessert.  If I bring my lunch, I am always satisfied and happy with it and feel proud of myself for eating so healthy.  I think yesterday was some emotional eating for sure...not sure what had me "upset" though, but I ate two cookies at lunch, a pack of pop tarts from the vending machine (this is what I am most ashamed of) and then went out to eat last night and couldn't pass up the sopapilla (my reasoning was "it's free," even though I was stuffed).  I'm trying really hard to not feel guilty about this eating, but I do and that just makes it worse.  Even when I decided to go for the pop tarts yesterday, I KNEW it was not because I was hungry, but because I was emotionally eating......yet I still ate them.  Definitely a "binge" type eating (which I even recognized while scarfing them down).  It's like I get this mind set of "who cares about all the hard work I've done the past 4 weeks? Not me!" when I am like that.  Then that attitude continues, as in this morning when I had mac and cheese for breakfast (not terrible, but definitely not a very acceptable breakfast).  I wonder if maybe I was "emotional" because I hadn't worked out in two days?  I know when I work out, I definitely eat a ton better!  I don't know, but I sure wish I could stop with the pop-tart binging that I do every couple of months.

Ok, so I feel like I need to make this post more positive or my sour mood will continue.  Here are the positives that have been happening:

  • I can definitely feel my body changing.  My legs are really firm (curse you repeated squats) and I am developing some "guns."  James even commented yesterday, "Wow, you've got some definite back muscles!" (I suppose this is a good thing!) 
  • Clothes fit better.  While my number on the scale is variable (It was down 4 pounds the other day, only to be back at its usual range the next day....haha), my measurements have decreased overall.  I do think I have built some muscle, so I do think that is why the scale isn't really changing.  
  • I really, really, really, love winter squash.  Acorn and Butternut.  Who knew squash could taste good???  Three or four years ago I wouldn't have dared to try either one!!  I always assumed that a squash is a squash is a squash and that they would all taste like yellow summer squash or zucchini, neither of which I really love.  
  • I think in general, I've really started accepting some of the things I didn't like before.  I'm currently embracing my pale, freckly side rather than covering it up with fake tanner (which I've done for SO long).  I really like that the pale red heads are popular in movies/tv right now (I love Emma Stone) and am trying to embrace that side.  I'm trying to get back to being "girly" and enjoying clothes a bit more, which during medical school has really fallen to the wayside (I'd much rather wear scrubs).  Just in general I've been taking better care of myself as a whole, and I think that my body and mind really appreciate it.  

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday (Time to Dance!)

Breakfast: Chai latte (homemade), 3 chickpea cookies

Lunch: Egg sandwich? Running low on food already, oops.

Dinner: Hummus melt

Activity: Going to the Y. I went to zumba last night and there were only 3 people so opted to not do it. I hate dancing with so few people. There's another zumbathon tomorrow for 2 1/2 hours so I plan on doing that.

I started thinking about resolutions I made at the beginning of the year. Instead of re-assessing where I am around New Years I want to do it now so maybe I can make some of those items happen before the end of the year. I am going to go home at lunch and get my list. I need to make some changes not just health wise but life-wise.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Breakfast: Iced Chai (made from really good Chai mix I got at Whole Foods)

Lunch: Chicken Enchilada Suizas (lean cuisine), 3 chocolate chickpea cookies, 1/2 c. nonfat milk

Dinner: Hummus melt, garden veggie medley, 3 chocolate chickpea cookies, 1/2 c. nonfat milk

Activity: Zumba (gonna actually record my heart rate correctly this time)


Breakfast: squash, turkey bacon, coffee
Lunch: sliced ham, squash, apple, cookie
Dinner: baked chicken, mac and cheese, butternut squash fries
Activity: cardio recovery

I'm ready for the weekend!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Breakfast: squash, turkey bacon, and coffee
Lunch: squash, 2 baked chicken legs, 1 sugar free chocolate
Dinner: tilapia, fresh cauliflower with cheese
Snack: half an apple with PB
Activity:  plyometrics (-600)


Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Soup w/crackers and an apple
Dinner: Hummus melts, roasted purple cauliflower

Activity: Jillian workout

So I slept in this morning and didn't get to make my eggs but I found I still had oatmeal so I'm feeling like I at least started the day out on the right foot. Ready to get back to tracking and working out. I feel super tired and am ready to catch up on my sleep but I'm hoping eating right and working out today will make me feel a ton better.

Wednesday To-Do List
1. Laundry
2. Reconcile Checkbook
3. Clean Master Bathroom

Dinner: Hummus Melts

Cookies: Chocolate Chickpea cookies

I'm in love with this blog. I love how simple and clean the recipes are. So good!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday (even though it totally feels like Monday)

Sorry for the absence yesterday. I was pretty worthless. I flew in and got back to the house aroud 9:30 last night. I ate Taco Bell for dinner and then Taco Mayo for lunch so needless to say it's time to get back on track.

I got a food processor for my birthday so I am going to look up recipes today so I can try it out. I'm also dying to go to Whole Foods and check it out. Maybe now that it's been open for about 2 weeks it won't be as insane. I'm so glad we have one. There were 3 Whole Foods within a 2 mile radius of Melissa's apartment. Denver isn't lacking in the health department - that's for sure.

I have to run to Stillwater tonight though and pick up Lizzie so I'm not sure what I will get accomplished. I just have to get the store to have some healthy options at home. It's like when I don't have groceries I take that as a green light to eat bad.

I read your post about one day sabotaging the whole week and I think I agree with you. When I had a cheat day on WW even though I read it was okay I think it really held me back. It's nice to look forward to that day but sometimes I wondered how much harm it was doing. You've been doing so well with food and working out that I wouldn't worry about the scale. It's like when I was doing really well but my weight wouldn't budge and I got so frustrated. I think you just have to give it time. Have you taken a rest day or two and upped your food a little? I think that's when the scale really moves. I'm sure most of the weight not budging is muscle or water don't you think?

I'm sorry you're on a crappy rotation right now. How long do you have to do that for? Is your November going to be crazy with interviews?

I found a new blog that I really enjoy and thought I'd share it with you to see what you thought. I think her recipes are so simple that I can actually picture myself making the recipes.

I will gather some recipes and be back to update this post with what I find.

Okay so I will be having egg cups in the morning with bell pepper, cheese and jalepeno and then for lunch soup and then tomorrow night I'm going to make homemade hummus and have hummus, spinach melts on english muffins. Now I'm hungry again, haha.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Breakfast:  squash, coffee
Snack:  apple
Lunch: 1/2 a ham wrap, 1 small bag of baked cheetos
Snack: tortilla with PB
Dinner: chicken quesadilla, squash
Activity: Half of a workout (-330)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well, I am sort of sad today because I have to start a crappy rotation tomorrow--Geriatrics. (yuck).
This past week I've been spoiled by being on Fall Break with James.  I just finished a great book (This won't hurt a bit) which is a funny and great easy read about the struggles of making it through a medical education.

I feel a little bit frustrated about weight/health/etc this weekend.  I've been working really hard, but haven't really seen the scale move much at all (which is why I said screw it and agreed to buying oreo's this weekend).  Do you think that splurging once a week is ruining the rest of the week?  I'm starting to think it is.

Breakfast: coffee with half and half
Lunch: acorn squash, cereal with almond milk
Dinner: soft tacos?
Snacks: 1/2 apple with PB
Activity: pure cardio + cardio abs (-780)


Ok so here's hoping this post works. Denver has been amazing! I flew in Thursday night and melissa had diet coke stocked in the fridge and she baked A chocolate cake. She had to work on Friday til 1 so I went and explored the area around her house. There is a beautiful trail that leads all the way To down town so I ran some and walked all over. I got a little lost and ended up walking over 8 miles but it was so pretty that the time flew by. Friday night we went to the Jason Aldean concert and that was such a blast. Yesterday we went to Estes park which I absolutely loved! We had some great Mexican food and then had the best ice cream I'm ever tasted. It was Mexican chocolate and was a little spicy! So good. Last night we went to this awesome movie theater and watched 50/50 which I totally recommend btw. The theater was so cool bc you get unlimited Popcorn and soda with your ticket purchase. After the movie we were going to go dancing but everyone was so tired we just came back and crashed Which was good with me because I was getting really tired. Today we are going to the zoo and then maybe to a haunted house tonight. Tomorrow boulder and to see this awesome food truck before I have to catch my plane at 6. Hope you've had a great weekend!