Saturday, October 17, 2009


Breakfast: coffee with 1 c. milk (2), toast (1)
Lunch: frozen pizza (12)=15/20
Dinner: salad (0), vinaigrette (oils), tomato bruschetta with little bread/toasts (8)
Snack: diet v8 fusion (1)=24/20 (4 weeklies used)

WI: this week I maintained. I can't seem to get away from this number.

I think that I am going to refocus this week. I really need to stop just half-assing this. Although today's eating wasn't good at all.

Goal for the coming week: LOSE! (Track everything, healthy guidelines, get some activity.)

I feel like it is a new beginning for some reason. (I suppose it is for you!! Can I share it?) We just need to rethink our weight goals and what we are willing to do to attain them. I'd like to drop a few more pounds by Christmas, so let's get back on this.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 102-Postgrad

Breakfast: 100 calorie pack-2

Lunch: chili at the office-?

Day 101-Postgrad

Breakfast: rice krispies w/soy milk-3

Lunch: Schlotzys small turkey w/no mayo-5

Dinner: Chicken salad sandwich-8
100 calorie pack-2

Snack: ice cream sandwich-3


Daily: protein, tracking, oil, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol. 5 for today.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Breakfast: toast (1), coffee (1)
Lunch: PB&J (3), baked chips (3)=8/20
Snack: cup of light v8 fusion (1)=9/20
Dinner: veggie ravioli (6)=15/20
Snack: glass of milk (2), cookies (3)=20/20

Points: sleep, tracking, water, vitamin, protein=5

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 100-Postgrad

Breakfast: oatmeal-3

Lunch: turkey sandwich-3
100 calorie pack-2

Dinner: grilled chicken breast and wing-6
mashed potatos and gravy-3
green beans-0

Dessert: ice cream sandwich-3


Daily: oil, protein, tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol, NSV(cake at the office, i picked the cake and they brought a huge piece to my desk and when no one was looking i threw it away). 6 for today.


Breakfast: toast (1), coffee (1)
Lunch: 1cup V8 soup (1), 1.5 servings of reduced fat triscuits (3)=6/20
Snack: 2/3 c. milk (1), 3 cookies (3)=10/20
Snack: toast (1)=11/20
Dinner: 1/2 of a chocolate milkshake (9)=20/20

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 99-Postgrad

Lunch: 1 piece of pizza and 4 small fried mushrooms-10

Dinner: red pepper soup-4
wasa crackers w/dip-4
ice cream sandwich-3

Snack: cereal w/skim milk-3

24/22(used 2 weeklies).

Daily: fruits/veggies, water, protein, oil, tracking, limited sugar/alcohol, 8 hours. 7 for today.


Breakfast: coffee with 2/3 c. milk (1), muffin in a minute (3), 1/2 c. blackberries(0)=4/20
Snack: ff hot dog (1)=5/2
Lunch: stir-fry and brown rice (4), blackberries (0)=9/20
Snack: Mousse (1) =10/20
Dinner: Salad (0), lasagna with meat (8)=18/20

Points: F&V's, oils, vitamin, sleep, protein, dairy, tracking, NSV (no dessert!), limited, water=10

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Breakfast: coffee and milk (1)
Lunch: soup (6), bread bowl (10) yogurt (5)=22/20
Dinner: glass of milk (2)+3 chips ahoy cookies(3)=29/20

Yeah, I am up for it if you are. What time were you thinking?

Points: sleep,tracking, vitamin, water, dairy=5 points


Brunch: breakfast casserole (4), pumpkin muffin (4), fruit (0), coffee with milk (1)
Dinner: chicken quesedilla (8), Small Dr. Pepper (no refills and didn't drink all of it--2)
Snack: glass of milk (2), cookies (3)=24/20

Activity: Walk for the Cure (6 AP's)--used 4
Points: water, vitamins, dairy, protein, tracking, activity, NSV(ate small portions of brunch since I didn't know really how much stuff was)=7 points

Day 98-Postgrad

Breakfast: rice crispies w/1 c. peaches and 1/2 c. soy milk-4

Lunch: turkey sandwich-10
frozen yogurt-3

Dinner: chili's black bean burger-12
red velvet cake shot-5

34/22 (used 12 weeklies) yikes. I really thought the burger was a good option. It was in the guiltless grill section but I guess not. Eating out twice in one day is just too much on the points.

Daily: water, fruits/veggies, protein, 8 hours, tracking, oil. 6 for today.