Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 3

Ok so yesterday was bad for me as well. With Twilight and everything I just chose to ignore it completely. However, Eclipse was amazing and one of the best movies I've seen in a long time so it was totally worth it.

Breakfast: Waffles w/jam-3


Lunch: WW dinner-5
Yesterday was too awful to even track, considering Kim surprised me with donuts for breakfast! Haha.

Today is going to be better.

B: coffee (1), apple (1), turkey bacon (2)
S: trail mix (2)
L: ??
S: cheese stick (1)
D: ??
S: jello cup (0)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 2

Well I know my points will be all out of whack today but I still want to track and get my water intake in.

Breakfast: Chai latte-1
Waffle w/jam-2

Lunch: ?

Dinner: ?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1

I'm not leaving on my trip til Thursday. I think I will still try and post. I just won't start Weight Watchers til I'm back from Red River. It's funny that you mention massages because mom and I went to Hot Springs this weekend for a spa get-away (That was her mother's day gift) so I had my first massage and facial and loved it! I will definitely do that more often.

I should have wrote this post before I went to work. I'll try and update more at lunch if I have time. If not I will right when I get home.

Breakfast: Chai latte -1
Waffle w/jam-2

Lunch: Weight watcher dinner-5

Snack: Granola bar- 2

Dinner: Mixed veggies-2
Veggie burger-4

Dessert: WW ice cream-3
Frozen yogurt-2


Beverages: Total to reach 64 ounces
8 oz of chai and milk
64 oz of water
12 oz of Diet Coke

Goal for today: Try and get all 8 glasses of water in.
Work out
Track all food and stay within point range.
So I re-read your post and saw that you may not be back on here until after our trip--sorry I missed that the first time! I hope you have a wonderful trip though! Get some relaxation in--you deserve it!

On my list for the week:
  • Get some more dress clothes
  • Get hair trimmed
  • Get ID badges at all the hospitals
  • Hem some of my new pants that are too long
  • Go get a few books at the bookstore (they are really nice over here, in that, they provide your big text books through the library so you don't have to spend so much money! Just need a couple little books on the side...)
  • Do some more unpacking/organizing (its still a mess around here!)
  • Orientation @ St. John's hospital on Wednesday
  • Orientation @ the school on Friday
  • Get new tires + oil change
  • Plan out some meals and cook some casseroles (or something) for next week's dinner
  • Possibly get a manicure if there is time
  • Get a few things for my survival kit for 3rd year (band-aids for blisters, some snacks to take with me, travel size deodorant, etc)
  • Don't freak out.
Also, I went for a massage the day after my exam, and I totally see what the hype is all about. I think you should start treating yourself to those during busy season, because I've never been more relaxed! It was worth every penny (and it wasn't that expensive at this little place in Edmond--$35 for 50 minutes!).

B: coffee (1), turkey bacon (2), strawberries (1)
S: trail mix (2)
L: ham sandwich with cheese (4)
S: 3 cookies and glass of milk (8)
D: hamburger on wheat bun (4) with mushrooms (0) and cheese (1), roasted zucchini (0), rice (2)
S:strawberries (1)
**Update (10:30 am): I need to make a goal for the day too! My goal will be to get 5 fruits or veggies in.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I think we must be two of the busiest people on Earth. :)
Ok, so I started to comment on your post and then decided to just write my own.

I am feeling super gross too, and it has got to stop. Ew. I keep telling myself that once school starts back up (July 6th) that I will be walking ALL day, so I will get less gross. But I think that I need a little more effort than that....I need to start back with my healthy snacks and fruits/veggies. And for heaven's sake, NO MORE CRAP. Cookies, ice cream, pasta, pasta, pasta. Not to mention I had to buy a bunch of dress clothes this week and that was slightly traumatic. I hate pants. Can't I just wear some baggy sweatpants or pj's to see patients?

Ok, so starting tomorrow, we are BACK! I definitely need some motivation. There is a bag of home-made chocolate chip cookies sitting in the kitchen calling my name as I type this. (Damn you James for baking those!)

Ok, so my plan for tomorrow:
  • eat mindfully
  • get some activity in
  • make some menus and get meal ideas
  • start making plans for when school starts
I look forward to blogging with you tomorrow! I'll try and give you a call tomorrow again. When do you leave on your trip?

Going to go eat a Jello cup instead of a cookie.

Starting Over, Yet Again

Okay so I have felt really unhealthy these past couple of days. I've been exercising but I haven't been watching my food intake and my pants are getting tighter. I hate that feeling. I feel like I'm suffocating. So on my back home today from my trip with mom I thought of my goal....

25 til 25. Drop 25 pounds by my 25th Birthday! If I would drop 25 pounds that's my exact target weight. Which I haven't seen since Freshman year I believe. Yikes! I know I can do it. I don't know why I can't seem to make these changes permanent in my life. I really like my gym and now that summer is here with all of the veggies and fruits out it should be the right time to start. My biggest thing is getting my food intake back under control. I did surprisingly well during Busy season but I seem to have gone down hill since then. I have nothing to blame it on besides my lack of will and motivation. But no need to focus on the negative anymore....onto the future! 25 til 25. I have posted 25 pages of paper on my walls in my workout room. All with numbers on there as motivation. I think I'm going to join Weight Watchers again. I seem to do my best when attending meetings. I have to go to Red River with the family this week though through next week so I may do it on my own til I get back from vacation.

I also do better when I have you to talk to. I know I've been really bad about updating this but I'm hoping with a new goal I will do a much better job. I vow to write everyday.

I'm going to make my menu for tomorrow and hit the hay. I hope you are enjoying time off. You're still on top off, right? I feel like I'm out of touch. Fill me in!

Friday, June 11, 2010

B: coffee (1), turkey bacon (2), toast (1)=4/20
L: mini pita pizza-veggie (3),
S: 1/2 an apple (0)
D: ?
S: jello cup (0)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sorry about no post yesterday. Work was absolutely crazy for me. We have a 6/15 deadline coming up and I was wiped by the time I got home. And honestly I did bad and didn't want to write it down. Oh well, today is a new day. We also have health assessments in August and got our reminder yesterday via email. If we achieve all the goals my insurance premium will go down about $200 a year so that is definitely some motivation. I'm glad we're starting to do this again. I missed it!

Breakfast: WW Quesadilla - 4
Lunch: Turkey sandwich - 2
100 calorie pack -2
Yogurt - 2

Dinner and snack: ??? - 11

Snack: V8-1
B: coffee (1), toast (1), turkey bacon (2)
L: tortellini and bread (15?)
D:lean pocket (5)
S: ice cream (3)
Activity: jogging for 30 minutes (+4)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ok, this may not be pretty by the end of the day, but I just want to get back to tracking so I am more aware of what I am shoving in my mouth. Going to try and do more planning so I don't get so hungry and eat junk. I think prevention is key!

B: FiberOne pancakes (YAY!--3), coffee with milk (1)=4/20
S: 1/2 apple, boiled egg (2)=6/20
L: Turkey sandwich (3), light yogurt (2)=11/20
S: trail mix pouch (2), ff hot dog(1)= 14/20
D: BBQ chicken legs (baked), baked potatoes, green beans (7)
S: sugar free jello cup (0)
S: thin bun with PB (3)

Ok, that's the "plan" for today. Hopefully I can stick close to it. :)

I've also decided that Yoplait needs to start putting fiber in their light yogurt, because some of their new flavors are REALLY good! Yet, there's 0g of fiber. :(

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So I am starting to get back on track today after a TERRIBLE past couple of weeks. I've been eating all kinds of crap that I shouldn't have (can you say cheese cake from Nana and Reese's Eggs?) so I was dreading even stepping near the scale. I made myself just do it this morning, and it turns out I am down about 3 pounds. While this is great, it pretty much goes against everything I've ever learned about weight loss and is quite motivating to eat more junk food (just kidding). Perhaps I am still dehydrated from all of the coffee I've had the past two weeks? Maybe I've just been eating less (as in volume) of food since I've been so busy? I'm not really sure, but I am hoping I can keep it off this week and that it is not just water weight. I guess I'll stop questioning it and just go with it...while praying like hell it stays that low.

I bought a set of those resistance tubes that you see in all of the magazines, so I am excited to start using those. It's also starting to feel more like Spring outside (with the exception of today) and I am so ready for the nicer weather and longer days!

I only have two test blocks left for the rest of my life!! Thank goodness!! Well, I am not counting board exams....ick. I've started making my study schedule for "The Big Nasty" and it is somewhat depressing. I have until June 16th to cram every bit of medical information there is into my head. I'm SO excited about 3rd year starting, so I just have to keep that in mind to motivate me. (and keep all of the bad stuff out of my head, like "Where am I going to live?" and "Who's going to buy my house?" and "How am I going to move?")

I've missed ya! I know you are so busy with work, and I hope that you are getting into a comfortable "groove" with the busy season. Hopefully you haven't had to spend too much of your free time the past couple of weeks with "Onesie" and family. :)

B: coffee with milk (1), English muffin (1)=2/20

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday: Manda

B: toast (1), coffee (1)
S: 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
L: pita pizza with mushrooms (4)=7/20
S: trail mix (3)=10/20

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday: Manda

I love this girl:

She does WW and tracks things in a really neat way! It is pretty motivating.
I love how she does screen shots of stuff!

Are you still going to track on your own during your busy time? I just worry you will be stressed out for 3 months and back track on your weight loss, so I'm trying to help think of a solution (whether you want one or not-haha). I think the pre-made meals are a good idea for you though. That will help, knowing you have dinner already made. I just know that if I had 3 months of test block, I'd gain it all back and then some! Let me know if you want to brainstorm on this idea any further. I'm here to help. :)

I'm still trying to figure out a way to stay in control when I have to drive in to school. It seems like when I have to get up so early, that I am just hungrier (I guess I probably am since I am awake for more hours of the day) and I want to eat everything. Plus, I need to get this whole thing figured out before I start 3rd year. I'm thinking if I started going to the gym while I was at school, that maybe that would (A) give me activity points to eat, (B) seem like a fun reward that makes the drive in worth it, and (C) the activity that I desperately need. I can listen to lectures on my mp3 player or look over notes while on a cardio machine. I think I'll try it soon, especially with this bad weather we keep having. Doing anything outside is nearly impossible.

Ok, here's today's plan:

B: toast(1), coffee (1)=2/20
S: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
L: chicken stir-fry (6), salad (0)=9/20
S: small SLIVER of chocolate cake with NO icing--it hit the spot (5)=14/20
D: home-made hamburger (5), sun chips (3)=22/20
S: 1/2 an apple (0) =22/20
Act: resistance bands and stretching (+2)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday: Manda

Trying to stay focused on tracking and staying On Plan. My WI went great and I am down 1.8 pounds!! YAY! What a great reward to a week of "being good." It is great motivation to get through the next couple of weeks!!!!!!

  • Goal for today: Drink lots of water! Need at least 6 cups!
  • Goal for the Week: Exercise 3 times! (Normally this would not be a big deal, but I have a bad habit of ignoring exercise when I am stressed the most! I know it will help me to not be as stressed if I just work it in!)

Plan for Today:
B: coffee with 3/4 c. skim milk (1), whole wheat toast and sugar free jelly (1)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), 1 laughing cow wedge (1)

L: pita (1), 2 tsp. EVOO (oils), 1/2 c. mushrooms (0), 1/4 cup part skim mozz (2), salad (0)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), 1 tbs. whipped pb (2)
D: ?? homemade hamburger (3), light bun (1) ?? (DH is cooking WW friendly for me tonight!! Yay!!)
S: cocoa almonds (2)


Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday: Manda

B: toast with sf jelly (1), coffee with milk (1)
L: turkey sandwich (3), sunchips (2), 1/2 an apple (0)=7/10
S: 1/2 an apple with with whipped PB (2)
D: Shrimp Cocktail (3), Chips and Salsa (3)
S: Fro-Yo with fresh fruit (3)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday: Manda

B: coffee (1), toast (1)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)
L: turkey sandwich (3), 1/2 an apple (0),
S: cereal (3)
D: pasta of some sort....
S: ?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday: Manda

B: toast (1), coffee (1)
S: coffee (1), 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick (1)
L: fiber one chicken strips (5), 1/2 an apple (0)
S: 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick(1)=10/20
D: bowl of cereal (3),
S: ?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday: Manda

Breakfast: coffee (1) toast(1)= 2/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
Lunch: Veggie Stir-fry and brown rice (4)=7/10
Snack: 1/2 an apple and pb (2)=9/20
Snack: cereal and milk (3)=12/20
Dinner: FiberOne Chicken Strips (5), ice cream bar (2)=19/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), toast (1)=19/20

Fruits and Veggies: 5/5
Dairy: 2.5/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 2/1
Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Tracking: 1/1


Monday, February 1, 2010

Breakfast: coffee (1) toast(1)= 2/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
Lunch: Sandwich (3)=6/20
Snack: Cereal and milk (3)=9/20
Dinner: pita pizza with mushrooms (4), ice cream bar (2)=15/20
Snack: Cereal (3)

Fruits and Veggies: 2/5
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 1/1

Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Tracking: 1/1


Sunday, January 31, 2010


Breakfast: Tortilla-2, scrambled eggs-3, cheese-1......6/22

Lunch: Tomato soup-3

Snack: yogurt-2

Dinner: ???

Sunday: Manda

Breakfast: coffee (1) pancakes (3)= 4/20
Lunch: progresso soup (2), crackers (1) =7/20
1/2 an apple and PB (2)=9/20
Snack: cheese stick (1), half an apple (0)=10/20
Dinner: 2 pitas (2) tomatoes and mushrooms (0), EVOO (oils), cheese (2)=14/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0) and light pb (2) =16/20
Snack: cinnamon&splenda on a pita with chocolate sauce (2)=18/20
Fruits and Veggies: 5/5
Dairy: 2.75/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 4/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 0/1, yup

Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Activity: Yoga (+1.5 AP's)
NSV: Thinking before eating.
Tracking: 1/1


Wow, I am so out of shape! I am so sore from the Wii Active this morning! Too many lunges/squats! I'm really proud of myself for yesterday. I had will power, which doesn't usually happen.

I really need the snow to go away...I am sick of sitting inside. Melt snow, melt!
2:05 PM: Have you ever visited Shape's website? They have tons of cool stuff to help us and to spice things up! The "Virtual Trainer" is a neat thing that gives you all kinds of new workout options (and it also tracks progress and such); I like it because it will give you a print out of what to do and how to do also estimates how many reps you should do for your fitness level. I kinda like it! Plus, it is free! (

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ok, so I have not been a good fellow food blogger this week. Snow days and me being inside=bad decisions with food. I made puppy chow because I thought I was going to stacy's to be snowed in but I couldn't make it there so I had puppy chow all for me....and I ate it...ALL! Now, did I have to make puppy chow to begin with? No. Bad decision. That's really the worst of it but that's still horrible.

I'm going to walk to Wal-Mart today to get some food and to get out of the house.

I apologize for not tracking better this week. I have found out that I'm not good picking things back up. I think I'll look over some of my earlier posts for some food ideas for the week and for some added motivation.

Breakfast: Toast-1, Eggs-3, Turkey-1.... 5/22

lunch: pretzels w/peanut butter-6.....11/22

Snack: 100 calorie pack-2.....13/22

Dinner: WW recipe ->Meatless tacos-6......19/22

Snack: Grapefruit juice-3......22/22

Saturday: Manda

Breakfast: toast (1), ham (2), coffee (1)=4/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=5/20
Lunch: Hungry Girl Chicken Strips (5), salad (0)=10/20
Snack: cereal and milk (3)=13/20
Dinner: stir-fry (1) rice (3) =17/20
Snack: glass of white wine (2)
, 1/2 an apple (0)= 19/20
Fruits and Veggies: 6/5
Dairy: 2.5/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 1/1
Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Activity: Wii Active (+3)
NSV: Getting back on track and being excited about it! I feel better already!
Tracking: 1/1


I am going to go back to making the checklist everyday. Otherwise, I just don't get anywhere. I think it is good for me to have a daily goal that doesn't change. And when I write down "activity" with a space to fill in something, it actually motivates me. It also helps me to plan the whole day's food. When I do that I'm not constantly thinking about "What am I going to eat next?" and am not as hungry all the time. Even if it changes throughout the day, having it somewhat planned out it comforting for some reason. I really haven't been doing very well with my eating and feel like I've just been eating crap and not tracking as well as I should.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Breakfast: pancakes (3), coffee (1)
Snack: apple (1)
Lunch: pita pizza (3)
Snack: cheese stick (1), cereal (3)=12/20
Dinner:spaghetti (6)
Snack: cookie (3)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Breakfast: toast (1), coffee (1)
Lunch: pita pizza (4), salad (0)
Snack: apple with pb (2), coffee (1)
Dinner: Vegetable and Beef stew (6)
Snack: ?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Breakfast: coffee (1), 1 slice of toast with PB (1)=2/20
Snack: coffee (1) 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick(1)=4/20
Lunch: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1), sandwich (3)=8/20
Dinner: flatbread pizza (8), salad (0)=16/20
Snack: apple (1), chocolate (3)=20/20

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Breakfast: Oatmeal-3

Snack:Kashi bar-2

Lunch: turkey sandwich-2
100 calorie pack-2

Snack: yogurt-2



I'm gonna go home and get on the elliptical. I really can't wait!


Breakfast: oatmeal-3

Snack: kashi bar-2

Lunch: turkey sandwich-2
100 calorie pack-2

Snack: yogurt-2

Dinner: mediterranean chicken-5



Breakfast: coffee (1), kashi granola (3)=4/20
Lunch: salad with mushrooms and tomatoes (0), flax pita (1), 1/3 c. fat free cheese (1), 2 tsp EVOO (oils), mushrooms (0), ww ice cream (2)=8/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0) and 12 little marshmallows (1), cheese stick (1)=10/20

Monday, January 25, 2010


Breakfast: coffee (1) and toast (1)=2/20
Snack: half and apple and whipped PB (2)
Lunch: ham sandwich (3)=7/10
Snack: fro-yo (3)
Dinner: ravioli (6)=16/20
Snack: half an apple and pb (2), cocoa almonds (2)
Activity: walking (3) and cleaning (1.5)=+4.5 AP's
Goal for today: To be productive and not eat out of boredom, and for goodness sakes, GO TO WAL-MART!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday January 24th-Postgrad

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast, scrambled eggs, cheese-5

Lunch: potluck lunch-10?

Snack: frozen yogurt-4

Dinner: WW pizza-8
ice cream cone-3

32/22 I've realized how not writing stuff down is killing me. On the break I would have thought today was not a bad day but look...I went 10 points over. I planned my meals today for the rest of the week and realized that if I do what I wanted to do I would be completely out of points after dinner and have no margin for snacks/dessert in the evening. I may need to either cut down to one snack and just pick morning or afternoon or cut down on my dinner. I really want to try and eat smaller meals but it's hard for me not to want to come home and have a "real" dinner.

I'm very ready to get back on track.

I have 3 weekly goals for these next 7 days.
-get 8 hours of sleep
-work out on the elliptical for 30 minutes 4 times this week
-do not eat over my points for the day. (except Wednesday b/c I'm going with the fam and I am saving a couple extra for eating out)


Breakfast: coffee (1), toast (1)=2/20
Lunch: cheese stick (1), pb on slice of bread (2)=5/20
Snack: fro-yo (4)=9/20
Dinner: SMALL piece of low-fat lasagna(5), salad(0), corn (1), peach crumble (4?)
Snack: a handful of little marshmallows (2) bowl of honey nut cheerios (2)=23/20+5
Activity: walking for 45 minutes at ~4mph and up and down hills (+5 APs)
Goal: Get reorganized: make a plan for working out, for meals, and for tracking. (check!)

I do the same thing as far as estimating and not tracking!!!
Maybe you should rethink your snacks? Maybe some 1 or zero points snacks would be better? Or more fruits and veggies at lunch? I'm not sure what your typical day really "looks like" but I try and just each half of my points on breakfast+morning snack+lunch. This usually means I have to have a light breakfast or a light lunch, but I prefer to have a substantial dinner so it is ok. I really like my coffee/latte in the morning for breakfast because the warmth seems to fill me up so I don't need such a huge breakfast (like I've always had). I also try to do little things with it like toast (zero for one slice), 1/2 cup of fruit (usually zero) and maybe a couple pieces of ham cooked in a skillet (1)...that way I feel like I've had a big breakfast, when really I've only had a variety of little things. I think variety is usually key for me at a meal: if I get to have several different things in small portions I get full quickly. I like to do the same when I take my lunch so I don't feel so deprived (zero point soup, 3 point sandwich, 0-1 point salad/veggie, 1 point cheese stick, 1 point fruit=5-6 points for a really "big" lunch).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday January 23rd-Postgrad

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled, 2 pieces of toast, turkey-5

Lunch: 2 veggie burgers-4
mixed veggies-3
WW ice cream bar-2

Dinner: grilled chicken strips-5
cheese slice-1

Snack: frozen mixed fruit-2



Breakfast: 3/4 cup honey nut cheerios and milk (2), coffee (1)
Lunch: progresso soup (2) triscuits (3) cheese stick (1)=9/20
Snack: coffee (1)
Dinner: whole wheat pasta (3) meat sauce with mushrooms (3) light crescent roll (2)=18/20

Getting a late start today, but that's ok. It feels like Sunday to me for some reason, which is always a plus I guess!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Breakfast: coffee with milk (1) toast (1), ham (2)=4/20
Lunch: shrimp cocktail (2), chips and salsa (3)=9/20
Dinner: fajitas (8), fro-yo (3)=20/20
Snack: small glass of light v8 fusion (0)=20/20

Haha, I like a sandwich for breakfast sometimes too!
Hopefully I will get to walmart today at some point. I am in dire need of groceries. I need some fruit of some kind, badly!

Ick. Mexican twice in one day....

Friday January 22-Postgrad

Breakfast: turkey sandwich-3 (I ran out of time for my oatmeal this morning)

They're bringing in lunch today too! I'm hoping it's a healthy option.

Lunch: 2 slices of pizza-10

Dinner: 2 veggie burgers-4
mashed potatoes-3
WW ice cream bar-2


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/raisens and pecans-3

Snacks: Banana-2
Kashi bar-2

Lunch: Turkey sandwich-3
Pringle Stix-2

Snack: Kashi bar-2

Dinner: pasta w/chicken-12

27/22 (I had a recruiting event and had to eat at Joseppi's so I'm just guessing.)

I have been so hungry in the mornings. I'm trying to eat more mini meals instead of eating a huge dinner. I'm hoping to train my body to accept this new lifestyle, haha.


Breakfast: coffee with milk (1), fiber one pancakes (3)=4/20
Lunch: chicken and rice casserole (5), ww ice cream (2)=11/20
Snack: cereal and milk (3)=14/20
Dinner: pita pizza (5)=19/20
Snack: m&m's (5?) =24/20 :(

I think I am addicted to dessert/sugar/carbs. After lunch, all I could think about was eating something sweet, so I had an ice cream bar even though I was really I feel gross and regret it! I just hate that feeling of guilt and "why did I eat that when I wasn't even hungry?"

I really need to go grocery shopping. That's on the to-do list for tomorrow....
I need ideas! It's like I forget about things I used to eat.

Grocery List/Meal ideas:
  • oatmeal and yogurt w/ apple pie spice (3?)
  • progresso soup + salad + sandwich (3)
  • mozzarella and tomatoes (4)
  • loaded baked potato (5)
  • boiled egg (2)
  • baked BBQ chicken (3)
  • steamed veggies +EVOO+seasoning (1 or 2)
  • low fat crescent rolls + low fat hotdogs= pigs in a blanket
  • fiber-one chicken strips (2)
  • apple with whipped PB (3) or yogurt (2)
  • granola, yogurt and strawberries (3)

Shouldn't have eaten the m&m's...

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year-Day 1

So the holidays are not officially over, especially not this year-I still have my family Christmas next weekend but I am ready to get back to the grind. I have been trying to watch portions but let's be real-I ate a bunch of stuff this past couple weeks.

I read on Postsecret one comment that said, no resolutions...just change. I like that but knowing me I have to make resolutions so here are mine for 2010.

-Reach goal weight (only 15 pounds to go!)
-Cook more often. I am thinking about preparing two meals on the weekends for weeknights.
-Fix up the house like I want it.
-Start learning how to garden.
-Grow my hair out.(This sounds silly because it takes no effort but this is to remind myself not to cut it when I get mad at this in-transition style)
-Get into a daily routine. (workout, get ready, breakfast, work, come home and find a hobby for the evenings)
-Stay current on all my appointments. No more waiting for dentist or eye doctor so that I completely dread it.

I think I am going to weigh in and remeasure today so I can start fresh. I am thinking with busy season that it will be hard to make it to weight watcher meetings so I may do the weight watchers online until after April or until I hit my goal weight which will get me into WW for free. I am thinking about setting a goal of April 15th to hit my goal weight as a way to focus myself during busy season. I know that gaining weight through that stressful time will only make me feel that much worse so I am trying to plan for it.

Happy New Year!