Saturday, November 5, 2011


Brunch: icelandic yogurt with blackberries, 4 slices turkey bacon, 1.5c. butternut squash
Snack: small bowl of cereal with almond milk
Dinner: 1 chicken enchilada, veggies, pappas, chips


Yay for the weekend!!! Was able to make it to toning zumba this morning for a great workout and had a healthy breakfast. Now time to clean the house and get it prepped for....CHRISTMAS!!!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1/4 c. egg beaters, 1 jalepeno, 1 c. spinach, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 english muffin w/salsa and a side of red bell pepper strips

Lunch: Healthy Choice soup, 1/2 apple w/laughing cow

Dinner: Kale w/spaghetti squash & poached egg(recipe from Beth's journey blog)

Snack: smart pop Kettle corn w/diet coke

To Do List:

1. Laundry (in the washer)
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Clean the bathroom (I have to do this today. I have been putting it off like crazy)
4. Pay bills/Bank Reconciliation
5. Clean kitchen floor
6. File away documents in study
7. Buy some new workout clothes

Friday, November 4, 2011

What day is it?

Had an interview for a couple of days this week and am still SOOOOOO tired from it and the traveling.  I've been eating crummy too and too busy to post much.

Going to go take a nap now.  Going to try to do better this weekend.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Sorry for not posting....really busy these past two days. I'll update first thing in the morning!!!

Hope you're having a great week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1.

Breakfast: acorn squash, turkey bacon, coffee
Lunch:  quesadilla
Snack: 1/2 an apple
Dinner:  cauliflower "rice" skillet
Activity: cardio balance and recovery (-500)

I feel so much better about things today.  I had the morning off, so I worked out, and I think that really helps.

November 1st (New Month!)

I woke up this morning feeling energized about getting back on the healthy train. These next two months I know can be the hardest due to all of the holiday celebrations but I am bound and determined to go into 2012 at goal weight and to not have weight as a New Years resolution.

Over at Beth's Journey she does a list of goals each month and then reviews them at the start of the new month then sets all new ones. I love that idea! So I shall do that too.

November Goals:

1. Track every day (except Thanksgiving...let's be real. That will not be happening)
2. Work out at least 4 times a week
3. Make a weekly meal plan and only eat out twice a week (this will help with food and money budget)
4. Try 2 new zumba classes at different YMCA's (I'll look up the schedule later this am)
5. Re-join Weight Watchers. I think this will help me get to my weight goal.
6. Make a money budget and stick to it for the rest of the year.
7. Go get my annual physical


Breakfast: 1/2 serving of cinammon roll oatmeal, chai made w/coconut milk

Lunch: Soup w/triscuits and an apple w/cheese

Snack: Rice krispie treat(got hungry and this was the healthiest thing at work. Need to pack snacks)

Dinner: Turkey cutlet, cauliflower, strawberry greek yogurt & a kiwi

Snack: Oatfit w/golden raisins

Activity: Zumba class

By the way. I bought one of those camelbacks and I love it!!! What a great idea. Thanks for the tip dude!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Oh I loathe you.

Breakfast:  quesadilla, coffee
Lunch: apple, beef and veggie stew, 1 sugar free chocolate
Dinner: fancy hamburger patties and butternut fries
Snack: blackberries

I don't ever sleep well on Sunday nights, even with sleeping medicine.  My first interview is this week, which I think I am stressed (read as: freaking out) about.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Funday

Good morning!

This has been a great weekend so far. I've had some really nice relaxing time, some good times with friends and some good exercise. I love when life feels balanced.

On Friday I went and saw Ides of March (work was so boring I had to get out of there). Then I came home and chilled, went to see Courtney at the Food Truck Gathering then met Megan and her friend at Harkins to watch Dream House (if you haven't seen it I wouldn't recommend seeing it in theaters. I would classify it as a renter). It was a good day though.

Saturday I woke up late, had some breakfast then went to Zumbathon for 2 hours. It was even better this time. More people and they had it at OCCC gym so the place was much, much better. They have a bunch of instructors so each one does just one song. One of the instructors came over afterwards and said that she had been watching me and thinks I should be an instructor. There have been 3 girls that have said that at our zumba studio too which I thought they were just being sweet. They have instructor a couple of times a year and honestly I'd been thinking about it and this just pushed it over the line. I'm going to look into it. I think it would be great to have something to make a little extra money at and by doing something I love. Zumba is something I never feel like I "have to" do. I just want to do. It's just something I like to do for me because I love it so much. So this is an exciting adventure to be embarking on.

Last night I met Betsy for some pizza at the Wedge then we went to Courtney's friend Jon's birthday party. He has 3 acres in the middle of the city and had a bonfire so that was really fun. I haven't been to a bonfire in so long. And no drinking for me which made me feel good. I'm trying to cleanse all drinking from my life. I fully support anyone in my life who wants to drink but I have decided that for me I just can't have it in my system. I thought it might be hard and there will be times where it will be a struggle for me to not have a glass but I felt good about it last night and even better about it this morning.

Today I'm just going to try and get caught up on chores, go grocery shopping and try to finish painting my china hutch.

To Do List:
1. Laundry
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Grocery shop & Menu
4. Bank Reconciliation
5. Paint China Hutch
6. Clean bathroom

Resolutions (Carryover from Friday discussion)

So I found my resolutions. Some have to be changed and adjusted but I think it'll still turn out well.
1. Save $8,000 (I'm not far off on this one. I just need to look at where I am today and make some savings goals for November and December)

2. Green Yard (well time is up for this one. This year was clearly more a struggle than I had anticipated. I did water every day with sprinklers and I did mow my yard and did all the yardwork myself so I feel okay about this one. I will still continue to work on  my green thumb next year)

3. Eat Out only once a week  - this one clearly didn't go anything like I had anticipated. I now have so many different groups that I hang out with it that it's almost impossible to only eat out once a week because I try to not turn down seeing any of my friends. I need to think about how to handle this because I still think it's a good goal but it's just not possible at this time.

4. Lose 20 pounds - well I've lost about 8 since this beginning of the year. I would love to still make this happen. I would really love to get down to my lifetime WW weight. I'm contemplating going back to WW because I still struggle with food on a daily basis and it's the only plan that's every truly worked for me.

5. Volunteer - this hasn't happened and I really want to change that. I have tried mulitple times to get on the schedule at the hospice and they never call me back. I need to contact a different one. There are so many opportunities out there and I really want to give back to the community in someway.

New Resolutions:

1. Track food everyday. (Seriously when I do this I'm so much better. Why can't I just do it consistently?)

2. Become a zumba instructor

3. Find more 5k's to motivate myself about

4. Try 2 new recipes a week (I found this as a fun and easy way to cook healthy at home and not get bored)