Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday: Manda

Trying to stay focused on tracking and staying On Plan. My WI went great and I am down 1.8 pounds!! YAY! What a great reward to a week of "being good." It is great motivation to get through the next couple of weeks!!!!!!

  • Goal for today: Drink lots of water! Need at least 6 cups!
  • Goal for the Week: Exercise 3 times! (Normally this would not be a big deal, but I have a bad habit of ignoring exercise when I am stressed the most! I know it will help me to not be as stressed if I just work it in!)

Plan for Today:
B: coffee with 3/4 c. skim milk (1), whole wheat toast and sugar free jelly (1)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), 1 laughing cow wedge (1)

L: pita (1), 2 tsp. EVOO (oils), 1/2 c. mushrooms (0), 1/4 cup part skim mozz (2), salad (0)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), 1 tbs. whipped pb (2)
D: ?? homemade hamburger (3), light bun (1) ?? (DH is cooking WW friendly for me tonight!! Yay!!)
S: cocoa almonds (2)


Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday: Manda

B: toast with sf jelly (1), coffee with milk (1)
L: turkey sandwich (3), sunchips (2), 1/2 an apple (0)=7/10
S: 1/2 an apple with with whipped PB (2)
D: Shrimp Cocktail (3), Chips and Salsa (3)
S: Fro-Yo with fresh fruit (3)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday: Manda

B: coffee (1), toast (1)
S: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)
L: turkey sandwich (3), 1/2 an apple (0),
S: cereal (3)
D: pasta of some sort....
S: ?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday: Manda

B: toast (1), coffee (1)
S: coffee (1), 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick (1)
L: fiber one chicken strips (5), 1/2 an apple (0)
S: 1/2 apple (0), cheese stick(1)=10/20
D: bowl of cereal (3),
S: ?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday: Manda

Breakfast: coffee (1) toast(1)= 2/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
Lunch: Veggie Stir-fry and brown rice (4)=7/10
Snack: 1/2 an apple and pb (2)=9/20
Snack: cereal and milk (3)=12/20
Dinner: FiberOne Chicken Strips (5), ice cream bar (2)=19/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), toast (1)=19/20

Fruits and Veggies: 5/5
Dairy: 2.5/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 2/1
Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Tracking: 1/1


Monday, February 1, 2010

Breakfast: coffee (1) toast(1)= 2/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=3/20
Lunch: Sandwich (3)=6/20
Snack: Cereal and milk (3)=9/20
Dinner: pita pizza with mushrooms (4), ice cream bar (2)=15/20
Snack: Cereal (3)

Fruits and Veggies: 2/5
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 1/1

Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Tracking: 1/1


Sunday, January 31, 2010


Breakfast: Tortilla-2, scrambled eggs-3, cheese-1......6/22

Lunch: Tomato soup-3

Snack: yogurt-2

Dinner: ???

Sunday: Manda

Breakfast: coffee (1) pancakes (3)= 4/20
Lunch: progresso soup (2), crackers (1) =7/20
1/2 an apple and PB (2)=9/20
Snack: cheese stick (1), half an apple (0)=10/20
Dinner: 2 pitas (2) tomatoes and mushrooms (0), EVOO (oils), cheese (2)=14/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0) and light pb (2) =16/20
Snack: cinnamon&splenda on a pita with chocolate sauce (2)=18/20
Fruits and Veggies: 5/5
Dairy: 2.75/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 4/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 0/1, yup

Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Activity: Yoga (+1.5 AP's)
NSV: Thinking before eating.
Tracking: 1/1


Wow, I am so out of shape! I am so sore from the Wii Active this morning! Too many lunges/squats! I'm really proud of myself for yesterday. I had will power, which doesn't usually happen.

I really need the snow to go away...I am sick of sitting inside. Melt snow, melt!
2:05 PM: Have you ever visited Shape's website? They have tons of cool stuff to help us and to spice things up! The "Virtual Trainer" is a neat thing that gives you all kinds of new workout options (and it also tracks progress and such); I like it because it will give you a print out of what to do and how to do also estimates how many reps you should do for your fitness level. I kinda like it! Plus, it is free! (