Saturday, July 9, 2011


I'm going to try to be really good today since tomorrow we are celebrating my Granny's birthday, and I'm sure there will be cake.

Breakfast: 5.5oz acorn squash With butter (13.95), iced coffee with cream (.92)

Lunch: fajita beef, 1 cup yellow squash (5.21)
Dinner:  Had a really late lunch and am not really hungry for dinner....
Snack: ice cream (16)  so much for being good! 

Saturday July 9th

Breakfast: Peach greek yogurt (3), 1 c. blackberries (0) = 3 points = 202 calories

Lunch: No idea. Mom's picking the place for her birthday lunch

Lunch Edit: Mom wanted to go to the new Italian place in Stillwater. I had a salad with no cheese and light italian dressing on the side (2), and 1/2 of a dish of penne pasta w/olive oil, tomatoes and chicken (11?) and a banana (0) before hand so I wouldn't be so hungry= 13 points = 646

Dinner: Probably something quick. I need to get home and get everything organized and packed for tomorrow.

Dinner Edit: Hummus (2), Lean Cuisine Chicken Fried Rice (7), WW Ice cream bar (4) = 13 points = 480 calories

Total for today = 29 points = 1328 calories. I went over on my calories but I didn't eat one of the Cuppies & Joe cupcakes I got for mom, I didn't have wine or bread at the restaurant, I immediately split my dish in half when I got it so I would only eat half of it so all in all I feel pretty good about today.

I'm off to run and go to bed. I got up at 5:30 because of mom and dad's coffee maker and I'm starting to feel super tired.

I worked out at 11pm to Jillian and I will not do that again. I was tired and it was a lot harder to do the workout. I will go home and run tonight when it cools off a little.

Happy Saturday!

P.S. I'm leaving tomorrow for Chicago until Friday night for Tax Training. I should have my phone with me the whole time and there is a gym in the hotel so I'm hoping that I'll still be able to stick with the plan the whole time. I've already told myself that I will be weighing in on Saturday morning when I get back as motivation to do well while I'm gone.

Friday, July 8, 2011


SO sorry I fell off the earth!!  I had clinic last night until l0ish and haven't been able to get caught up since!!!

  • Breakfast:  bacon and iced tea. 
  • Lunch:  low carb mac&cheese (7), tomatoes (3.58), avocado (4)
  • Dinner:  steak, grilled squash (3.78), more low carb mac&cheese (7)--I love it too much probably....
  • Snack:  pudding stuff (5)
I'm not doing very well today--my  food looks a bit crummy.  Although one thing I did discover this evening--our microwave isn't broke!!  We blew a breaker to 3 outlets in the kitchen and didn't know it!!  Haha, so thankfully we didn't run out and buy a new one yet!

Evening clinic throws me off.  I didn't pack enough food.  And then I had a cookie for dinner.  Yup, a big stinkin cookie.  It wasn't even that good.  It tasted so sickly sweet that I really only enjoyed the first bite, but it was downhill from there.  And it was a big cookie.  It was one of those huge ones from Panera.  But, that's all I really had for dinner, so maybe it'll balance out.  I felt guilty about it though.  Mostly because it really didn't taste very good but I kept eating it anyway. 

Having a pretty good friday though, especially since I came home and napped!  Haha, I love naps.  I was going to work out, but fell asleep for 2 hours instead--I think that was probably needed so I won't feel guilty.  The plan is to do my workout tomorrow morning after I've had a little bit of breakfast and had a few minutes to let it settle.  Maybe something light, like some tomatoes and a slice of ham.

So if you haven't figured it out, I am a huge fan of tomatoes!  Haha, I am in LOVE with the little yellow ones!  I like cherry tomatoes of all sorts, but the yellow ones are SO good right now. 

    Friday July 8th

    Breakfast: 1 egg w/2egg whites (2), 1 Hebrew national hotdog (1), 1 tbsp salsa (0), 1/2 c. strawberries (0), 1/2 c. blueberries (0) = 3 points = 233 calories

    Lunch: Going to lunch with a co-worker. Will try and go someone with some really good choices

    Lunch Edit: We went to Big Truck Tacos. I had two Chicken Al Carbon tacos and a diet coke. They put the meat in two corn torillas so I only ate one per taco. The chicken is supposedly marinated in citrus juice so I have really no idea how bad they really are. I'd guess 7 points a taco. so 14 points = 560 calories. I think I'm high but it's better this way than the other.

    Dinner: Probably a frozen dinner. Headed to mom and dad's as soon as possible after work and dinner.

    Dinner edit: Greek meat(5), tzatziki sauce(1), wheat thins (2), salsa(0), pretzels(2) = 10 points = 445 calories

    Total = 27 points = 1238 calories

    I'm packing my 30 day shred and weights so I can work out tonight and then I plan on running tomorrow when I get back to the house. I have found that at least having a plan to exercise is what really ends up helping me. If I planned on doing something then I will usually end up feeling bad if I don't.

    Have a great Friday dude!

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    July 7th - Can it be Friday?

    Breakfast: 3 eggwhites (1), 1/2 avocado (4), 1 tbsp salsa (0), 1 c. strawberries (0) = 5 points = 273 calories

    I decided that I should probably stop eating two full eggs for breakfast. I think if I did one whole egg and the rest egg-whites that would help curb the huge amount of cholesterol. I did just 3 egg-whites this morning though because I do feel a little bad about the things I ate last night so I decided to try and be extra good today. I have a fear of backsliding and I really don't want to do that this time. I also feel though if you don't eat what you want at some point then you will just fall off the truck completely so it's sort of a conundrum.

    I also should know better than try and plan exercise for the morning. I set out all my workout clothes, charged my i-phone and got my running plan all laid out last night then I totally slept right through my alarm. I will go home and run tonight. Promise.

    Lunch: Amy's light black bean enchilada & rice (6), hummus and broccoli (2), peach and 1/2 c. blueberries (0) = 8 points = 440 calories

    Dinner: Asparagus w/1 tsp EVOO (1), grilled zucchini (0), 2 Hebrew National hot dogs(2), hamburger bun (2) = 5 points = 254 calories

    Total before desserts and snack = 967 calories = 18 points

    Just got in from my run. Did the next step up in the 5k training. 5 walk, run 2 walk 3 and repeat 4 times and then you're supposed to walk another 5 but I walked 2 ran 1, walked 2 ran 1, walked 2. I really like this program. It's not too hard to do but you really feel like you did something after you're through.

    I'm going to go eat a vitatop muffin and maybe some hummus and pretzels. Probably best to not eat that at 10:30 but oh well. I was trying to eat all the fruit and veggies in my house since i'll be gone all next week at training so my calories/points were really light all day.

    I hope you had a great day! Tomorrow if Friday. Yippee!!!

    Thursday Already?

    • Breakfast:  canadian bacon and cheese (.5), coffee with cream (.92), yogurt/fruit/walnuts (8)
    • Lunch: PB&J (5), 5.5oz tomatoes (3.91), 1 avocado (3.65)
    • Snack: macadamia nuts (1)

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Half way through the week!

    • Breakfast: 1/4c blueberries, 1/4c strawberries, 1/4c Greek yogurt, 1oz walnuts.(11), coffee with cream (.92)
    • Snack: 5oz cherry tomatoes (3.5)
    • Lunch: low carb spaghetti (5) with homemade sauce (6.75)
    • Dinner:  avocado (3.65), organic bratwurst (1), reduced sugar ketchup (1), slice of bread with sf jelly (2)
    • Workout:  half-assed insanity workout (485)

    = 26.28NC (13.9 veggie)

    So proud of you today!  You have an awesome day!  You are making so much progress!

    I got up early today and worked out before I got ready for work, and I don't think I am going to be able to do that any more!  I had ZERO energy and didn't have time to eat and digest well beforehand.  I think I am going to have to start working out in the evenings as soon as I get home and before I eat dinner so I actually have energy to do it.  Today was quite sad, I just couldn't get moving at all.  I'm not proud of that workout by any means... at times I just stood there and watched the screen because there was no way I could jump or punch, etc anymore.  Well, now I know!  

    You'll also have to excuse my lousy dinner tonight.  Our microwave just crapped out on us last night....not sure what happened there.  I realize I can cook my frozen veggies on the stove, but they always get mushy when I do that.  I may season and bake some cauliflower later once it is a bit cooler outside so I don't heat the entire house.  (Have you ever done that?  It is really good!  I put it on a cookie sheet and season the cauliflower with some garlic salt; then you just bake it until it starts to turn pretty dark on the edges. 45mins? It gets really light and has excellent flavor.  We made it as a snack to replace popcorn one night and fell in love with it! )

    Wednesday July 5th

    Breakfast: vanilla Chobani yogurt w/strawberries and blueberries = 3 points = 188 calories

    Lunch: subway turkey sandwich (7) and sour cream and onion baked lays (4) = 11 points= 450 calories

    Total before dinner= 14 points = 638 calories

    Dinner: Caution - Wednesday is my splurge night and me and Betsy did it up right. I had a salad and 2 pieces of pizza at the Wedge. Then we had drinks at Purple Bar. I had 2 white sangrias (so good!) and then we topped off the night with a cuppies and joe cupcake. Do I have any idea what all of that was calorie/point wise? No. Could I have done better? oh yes. Could I have done worse? Oh yeah. I probably should be a little more careful but I look forward to Wednesdays to just kick back and do what I want and tonight was great so no regrets. I really wanted to come home and run though and I just now got home so I have my alarm set for 5:45 so I can do my 30 minutes of running before I get ready for work. My foot is a little sensitive still but I really want to run so I will just try different shoes and see how it goes.

    Edit: So I went ahead and calculated everything because it was bugging me not too. It looks like dinner was around 29 points so that means I used 14 extra points today. We get 49 bonus for the week so I guess that's okay. It's an extra 600 calories that I shouldn't have had but if I only do it one day then exercise and everything I guess I shouldn't have any guilt. You can tell that I'm trying to make myself feel better which means that Weight Watchers has hooked me again and I'm trying to be perfect on it. This is when a cheat night is remind myself that I can still do what I want and have results like I want. I just can't splurge often.

    So something amazing happened this morning. I am wearing a skirt that I haven't worn since my very first years of college. I took a pic. I will post at work later when I get a chance. Woohoo!

    In other news I went to weigh-in today and I'm down exactly 1 pound. That's 9 pounds lost so far. 9 pounds in 11 weeks. I'll take it. 15 weeks until my birthday. 17 pounds to go until I reach my weight goal. So if I could maintain that kind of loss and have 2-3 really goods week in there I could be at my weight goal by the big 2-6. However, I have to admit that the exercising and noticing the changes in my body is better than any number on the scale. It's nice to have the scale reflect it but if I had to take looking/feeling better over a higher number then I would be okay with that.

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    Tuesday--Starting back to school today....kind of.

    (Sorry for being so slow to post the post couple of days, our internet has been having issues.  I think it is due to all of the extra people at the lake this weekend. )

    Well I start a new rotation today, Family Medicine.  At least today we just have to go in for orientation at 2 and then leave!  It is going to be a good rotation because I will be starting with the brand new third-year I am going to look pretty good.  :)

    Today I am also starting back on my exercise routine officially!  Since I won't have to be to clinic until probably 8 (rather than having to be somewhere by 6) I am going to use that extra time in the mornings to workout!  Although it is going to be pretty hard getting up that early since I've been spoiled the past two weeks and have been sleeping in really late (and staying up late--you'd be proud, haha)
    • Breakfast: coffee with cream (0.92), 5oz cherry tomatoes (3.5)=4.42(3.5 veggie)
    • Lunch: PB&J with flax bread, splenda jelly, and sugar free PB(5).  5oz cherry tomatoes (3.5)=12.92(7veggie)
    • Dinner:  low carb spaghetti (5), home made spaghetti sauce (6.75)= 18.67 (13.75 veggie)
    • Snack: 1/2 c. strawberries (5)
    • Workout:  55mins Insanity DVD 745 calories

    Well that was painful, but I made it through the entire DVD.  I am out of shape, and wanted to quit at least five times throughout that thing.

    Goals for July:
    1. Workout 3 times per week minimum
    2. 12-15 net carbs from veggies everyday
    3. One splurge per week (splurge probably meaning ice cream or eating out)
    4. Lose 4 pounds ( this is lofty for me, but I want to be fully in that mindset!)

      Tuesday July 5th

      Breakfast: 1/2 c. sliced strawberries (0), 1/2 c. blueberries (0), Chobani peach yogurt (3) = 3 points = 208 calories

      Lunch: Lean Cuisine Asian Style Potstickers (7), peach (0), 7 pretzel rods w/ 1tbsp hummus (3) = 10 points = 393 calories

      Dinner:Turkey patty (5), light wheat bun (2), corn on the cob (2), asparagus w/tsp EVOO (1) = 10 = 441 calories

      Dessert: 1 vitatop muffin (3) w/ 1/2 c. strawberries (0) = 3 points = 127 calories

      Snack: Large Vanilla Diet Coke (2) points = 60 calories

      Total for Today = 28 points = 1229 calories

      And another week begins. At least it's short. Happy Tuesday!

      Not working out tonight is going to feel weird. Also, it frees up my evening and then I just think about food and what I could be eating so I think I'm going to go window shopping tonight. I wish we lived closer so we could do things together in the evenings sometime.

      Monday, July 4, 2011

      Monday July 4th

      Happy fourth to you too!!!

      Breakfast: strawberry/blueberry stuff I made last night (10)
      Lunch: Fajitas (just the meat and veggies)
      Dinner: Cauliflower pizza-1 slice (3.8)

      I can't feel bad about 10carbs for breakfast since it was so packed full of good stuff. I'm going to include some pics since it turned out so well! Also
      included a pic of our pizza last night.

      I need a plan for the week too. I think that your idea of have a rest day before weigh in is a good idea.

      Happy July 4th!

      Breakfast: WW Breakfast Quesadilla (5), 1 c. sliced strawberries (0) = 5 points = 298 calories

      Lunch: 8 oz. of butternut squash (0), 14 pretzel rods (3), 2 tbsp hummus (2), broccoli florets (0) = 5 points = 343 calories. This is one of those meals that WW is going to give me for really low points but calories wise it's not.

      Snack: Peach (0), Yoplait yogurt (3) = 3 points = 148 calories

      Dinner: Turkey burger (5), light bun (2), aspargus (0), with 1 tsp of evoo (1) = 8 points = 365 calories Haha it looks like I have two turkey patties on there but I made my burgers too thick but not very wide that I have to cut them in half to eat on a bun. I will do better next time.

      Dessert: Vita top muffin = 3 points = 100 calories

      Total for today = 24 points = 1254 calories

      My goal for today is do my pilates workout - the extended one and then make a meal plan for the week. I need to vary up my breakfasts. Eggs are good but I'm getting a little burnt out.

      I did my other strength training dvd last night. It was good all except for when I had to balance on my right leg because I think it was putting too much pressure on the foot so I will just do pilates today to rest it and then I won't work out tomorrow. I'm going to try not working out the day before weigh-in.

      Sunday, July 3, 2011

      Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

      • Breakfast:  coffee with cream (0.92)
      • Lunch:  Genghis Grill-make your own stir fry with beef, scallops, squash, mushrooms, snap  peas and garlic (6.45)
      • Dinner: cauliflower pizza with canadian bacon  and cheese (7.48), strawberry/blueberry/walnut/whipped cream dessert (10)
      • Snacks: sugar free Reese's candy- 5 pieces (1)
      • 25.89NC
      You have got to try Genghis Grill!!  There is one in Tulsa and I think they are building a new one in OKC!!  You walk in and they give you an empty metal bowl to fill with whatever you want from this huge buffet of stir-fry ingredients.  You pick your meat, you season it, you pick your veggies, and then you pick your sauce. You can also pick what starch you want them to add, but we skip that part.  you stuff as much meat and veggies as you can into your little bowl and then hand it off and they cook it for you on this giant grill/wok thing.  It is pretty cool!  Anyway, lots of options if you want something healthy!  I go easy on the sauces (who knows how much they are) and try to add lots of garlic powder/chopped garlic/onion and such to mine.

      I kind of skimped on breakfast today because we needed groceries so badly....but we got some, so I should be set for the coming week. 

        Sunday the 3rd

        Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole wheat bread toasted (4) and 1 tbsp grape jelly (1) = 5 points = 190 calories

        Breakfast is always limited at the parent's house. I'm coming home next weekend as well so I will plan ahead next time.

        Lunch: Pop chips (3) and 2 dark chocolate hershey nuggets w/almonds (3) = 6 points = 210 calories This wasn't really lunch but I didn't want to eat something with a ton of points so I snacked again instead.

        Dinner: 2 tbsp of hummus (2), green pepper strips (0), 1 light hamburger bun (2), turkey burger (5), corn on the cob (2) = 11 points = 463 calories

        Dessert: Vitatop muffin top deep chocolate (3) = 100 calories. These are my new favorite things. They're pricey but they taste just like cake and it is so good!

        I plan on eating a snack for 4 points or 225 calories but I'm just not sure what I will pick at this point. Edit: I ended up having peach Chibani yogurt and 1.5 cups of fresh strawberries. That added 3 points and 220 calories.

        I'm off to try and workout and see what the foot does. I have another strength training dvd so I'm going to try it so I can mix-it up instead of having to work with Jillian every evening.

        Total for today = 25 = 963 calories

        So I hurt my foot running. When I ran on Wednesday night and then woke up Thursday morning the outside of my right foot hurt when I walked on it. It went away later on in the day so I went ahead and did my Jillian workout. On Friday I did my pilates in the afternoon and then at night I went for my run. As soon as I started running on it the pain was back. Not severe but still I felt it. Well, at that point I probably should have stopped but I really wanted to keep going and get some cardio in so I just ran through it. Yesterday it hurt to walk on it. Not enough pain to where you couldn't stand it but still it hurt. It's better today. I googled it and some guy said that if you overcorrect while running which is what I did on Wednesday when I ran over a grate in our neighborhood sometimes you can sort of pull that muscle. They recommended just resting it and taking some anti-inflamatories. When I do the Jillian workouts it doesn't seem to bother it so I guess I'll just go back to my dvd's for the next week so I don't mess it up anymore. Stupid grate.

        I'm going to try and go to the pool today. I doubt I burn any calories but I'm out in the heat so that should count for something, right?

        I hope you have a great Sunday! Don't study too hard!