Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 76-Postgrad

WI: I went and weighed in but will go on Monday to celebrate. I dropped 2.4 pounds!!! (+5)I will measure later today. Lost 1/2 an inch from hips.(+1) Ate on plan all week(+5). Reached no goal(bummer). +11

Lost: 1/2 inch from hips.

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled-4
pumpkin muffin-3

Lunch: Turkey sandwich w/laughing cow-3

Snack: Crackers w/2 laughing cow-3(this was the only healthy thing my parents had in the whole entire house except for some tv dinners).

Dinner: WW tv dinner-6

Dessert: English muffin /w 1 tbsp pb-3

Snack: Rice krispies w/soy milk-3

24/22 (used 2 weeklies)

I know next week is test week but I'm coming to Perkins today if you need a break. Do you need anything from Edmond?

Daily: Vitamin, protein, dairy, oil, tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol. NSV(not eating any of the junk in my parents house), hoping to sneak activity in before I go to bed.

I think I was so hungry today because I had absolutely no fruits/veggies. How is this possible? I keep saying everyday I'm going to do something better tomorrow, I better actually start doing it.

19 points for today.


Going to WI after coffee. The scale has been very consistent this week, but hasn't gone down any. I think the most I can hope for is to maintain with all of the stress/cortisol that I have right now, so I will definitely be happy to see that.

  • maintained=+3
  • no inches are budging
  • met 2 goals +10
  • OP all week=+5
  • 18 total

Brunch: coffee <>, MIM <>, banana <>, boiled egg<>
Lunchish: shrimp <>, avocado<>, salsa<>, chips (3), fro-yo with fruit on top (3)
Snack: 1 c. blackberries<>, coffee and milk <>
Dinner: leftover pasta and veggie sauce <>
Snack: grapes<>

Used: 6/35 weeklies
F&V: 7/5
Oils: 2/2
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2
Vitamin: nope...I keep forgetting!
Limited: yes
Water: 6/6
Tracking: yes
Sleep: yes
NSV: Staying out of the chocolate cake that Nana sent.
Activity: None.

9 points+18 points=27points

Friday, September 18, 2009


Breakfast: coffee<>, milk<>, boiled egg<>
Lunch: everything bagel (6) and reduced fat sun dried tomato cream cheese (2)
Snack: banana<>, sf/ff pudding <>
Dinner: pasta leftovers <>
Snack: sour punch straws (3)

Today, all I wanted was carbs and junk!!! I think I did fairly well considering that.

F&V: 1/5 (pathetic!)
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2
Oils: 2/2 pasta sauce
Water: 8/6 (yay!)
Vitamin: yes
Limited: yes
Tracking: yes
Sleep: yes
NSV: Picking sour straws over chocolate at the ball game. And then coming home and jogging after the game.
Activity: Jogging for 15-20 mins (+3)

10 points

Day 75-Postgrad

I'm so glad it's Friday!

Breakfast: Skinny Chai Tea latte-4

Lunch: Popchips-6 (yes, I ate a whole bag of chips when I got off work. At least they're low in points)

Dinner: Lean Cuisine quesadilla-5

Dessert: 2 pumpkin muffins-6


I will be going grocery shopping as soon as I get off work, which will be at 3 today haha.

Daily: tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol, oil. 4, haha. Oh well. tomorrow is a new day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Rough day. Thinking about switching to Points tomorrow. Core plan isn't very good when I need PB sandwiches to study. Dunno.

Weeklies Used: 29/35
AP's: 16.5

Breakfast: MIM<>, coffee and milk <>, banana<>
Snack: ff hot dog<>, PB on bread (3)
Lunch: Chick Fil-A grilled chicken sandwich(5), baked lays (3)
Snack: sugar free pudding <>, 1 c. grapes<>
Dinner: whole wheat pasta <>, homemade sauce <> with mushrooms<>, bell pepper<> and lean beef <>, blackberries<>

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 1.25/2
Oils: 2/2 (sauce)
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Vitamin: no
Limited: yes
Sleep: yes (thank goodness...sleep has been an issue lately)
Tracking: yes, but slow to report. :)
NSV: I went to the student union to get junk food (think brownie/cheesecake/chocolate by the pound) and got a sensible lunch instead at Chick Fil-A.
Activity: YAY I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING TODAY! Running(5), Wii Active (4)=9 AP's!

10 points

Day 74-Postgrad

Breakfast: Skinny chai tea latte-4

Lunch: soup-2
special K crackers-2

Dinner: frozen veggies-3
2 veggie burgers-2
angel food cake-3

Snack: Cereal w/soy milk-5


I have felt strange all day. I came home later last night than usual and I don't know it that threw me off today or what. I came home thinking I would work out and my head just wouldn't force my body to do it. Bummer.

Daily: veggies/fruit, vitamin, protein, oil, dairy, tracking, limited sugar/alcohol. 7.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 73-Postgrad

Breakfast: Rice Krispies-2
Soy milk-1
1 c. peaches-1

Lunch: Turkey sandwich-2
Special K crackers-2

Dinner: No idea. Katie is cooking. We are having wine so I'm sticking with just one glass.

Dinner was fantastic. I didn't eat the bread or appetizers. I ate the dinner but I only ate half my dessert.

Caesar salad-5
Homemade veggie lasagna-10
Homemade cheesecake-10

35/23 (used 12 weekly points but man was it worth it!)

Daily: water, protein, oil, veggies/fruit, limited sugar/alcohol, NSV(only ate limited portions), tracking, 8 hours. 8 for today!


I am having the same problem, except reversed with the working out. I don't have time in the mornings when I go to school, but by the time I get home I am just so tired and feel like I need to study! For some reason, in my mind, I feel like exercising for only 15 or 20 minutes is a waste of time....not sure why because it is better than the nothing I do when I think that.

Weeklies Used: 18/35
AP's: 7.5

Breakfast: MIM <>, coffee with milk <>
Snack: coffee with milk 2.0 <>, grapes<>
Lunch: Stew with veggies <>, blackberries<>
Snack: grapes <>, boiled egg<>
Dinner: Baked salmon with EVOO and garlic <>, cauliflower<>
Snack: PB sandwich(3) with banana<>

F&V: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Oils: 2/2
Vitamin: Yes
Limited: Yes
Tracking: Yes
Sleep: 5 hours is not cutting it.
Activity: No

8 points

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Weeklies Used: 15/35
AP's: 7.5

Breakfast: banana<>, coffee with milk <>
Snack: ff hot dog<>
Lunch: whole wheat pasta and veggies<>
Snack: 1 cup strawberries<>, ice cream (2)
Dinner: shredded wheat<>, milk <>, banana<>, boiled egg<>
Snack: slice of bread (0), PB (2), banana<>

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Oils: 0/2
Protein: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Limited: yes
Vitamin: yes
Tracking: yes
Sleep: yes
Activity: Running (7.5 AP's)

Day 72-Postgrad


Breakfast: Rice Krispies-2
Soy milk-1
1 c. peaches-1

Lunch: turkey sandwich-2

Dinner: frozen veggies-3
WW quesadilla-4
angel food cake-3

Snack: Special K crackers-2


Daily: vitamin, oil, fruits/veggies, protein, tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol. 7 for today.

So I now remember why I like life without cable. I ran out of time. I was going to exercise before BL but I did not get home in time. Then I was going to exercise afterward and got scared that I wouldn't be able to sleep. Tomorrow I have a dinner with some people so I doubt I'll get to workout. Maybe I'm gonna have to suck it up and just workout in the mornings. The evenings are killing me.

OK...And I asked Brad to the fair. I really wanted to go and everyone is busy with school. So I texted him and asked and he called me and said sure he would go. So we were texting about it and now he's fallen off the earth. Do you think I freaked him out? I just wanted someone fun to go to the fair with.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Breakfast: coffee <>, milk <>, (A pillow for you sir?)
Snack: Muffin In a Minute <>, banana<>
Lunch: Stew<>
Dinner: enchilada with salsa(8), cookie (3)
Snack: banana

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Vitamin: yes
Tracking: yes
Sleep: yes
NSV: Had a football dinner tonight and kept my portion sizes small and tried not to pig out.
Activity: Nope.... :(

10 points

I know what you mean. I hate WI during my time of the month. Boo on having a uterus.

Studying at home today. I HAVE to workout. I haven't in days and feel so guilty and stressed! So, hopefully I will go for a run and maybe even do some Wii Active.

Day 71-Postgrad

Breakfast: Rice krispies-2
soy milk-1
1 c. peaches-1

Lunch: Turkey sandwich-2
pop chips-3

Dinner: frozen veggies-2
WW quesadilla-4
angel food cake-3

Snack: Chai latte-4


So I can't decide if I want to go to WW or not. My time of the month has come and I'm pretty sure the scale won't be as good as it was on Saturday. I'll try to see if there's another time that would work better.

Daily: water, vitamin, fruits/veggies, protein, dairy, oil, tracking, 8 hours, limited sugar/alcohol. 9 for today.

Starting to reread Twilight. Where is my Edward?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 70-Postgrad

I totally forgot about eating on plan all week, oops. I'll just add it to my points for the day.

New goals: Workout 4 times. Reach healthy guidelines for eating everyday.

Goal item: 800 points=new makeup

So I went to compare my weight loss last night to how I've done in the past and this was weird but the first time I did WW on this same week I had lost exactly 16.2 pounds just like this time. The time that we did I had lost 13.2 but the next week I dropped 3 pounds and was at 16.2. That makes me feel like I'm really on track with reaching my goal by the date I set.

I'm off to buy some lighter hand weights today. The 5 pounds are just too much to do the cardio stuff with.

Breakfast: Rice krispies w/soy milk and 1 c. peaches-4

Lunch: grilled chicken w/peas-4

Snack: yogurt-1
Pop chips!!!!!-3 (I finally found them. They only had the salt and pepper flavor but they're really good) 6 points for a whole bag. Can't beat it!

Dinner: Baked potato-3
1 c. peas-2
2 veggie burgers-2
Angel food cake-3


I think I will stick with the core plan this week again to see how it goes. I like it.

New goals for the week: (starting today--I'm a bit late on this)
  1. Keep a running tab of food
  2. Run 3 times

Breakfast: coffee and milk <>
Lunch: shredded wheat and milk <>
Snack: 1 cup grapes <>
Dinner: beef stew<>
Snack: carrots and dip <>

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Oils: 2/2 (meat in stew)
Protein: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Limited Sugar: yes
Vitamin: yes
Sleep: yes
Tracking: yes

9 points