Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yay for Saturdays!!!

Breakfast: english muffin (3), 2 eggs (3), 2 oz. turkey (1), tomato (0), jalepeno (0) = 7 points = 342 calories

Lunch: ww yogurt(2), pb (6) = 8 points = 320 calories

Dinner: 2 corn tortillas (4), 4 oz. grilled chicken (4), green pepper, mushroom and tomatoes and salsa(0), 100 pack guacamole (3) = 11 points = 300 calories

Dessert: Skinny cow cookies & cream (3) = 150 calories

Total = 29 points = 1212 calories

Went and did toning zumba this morning for an hour. I wish I could do zumba every morning. I am going to buy the groupon today for barre/pilates classes. That will be one of my new activities for the month. Now I just need to find another. And I need to pick out my two new healthy recipes to try for the week.

I have discovered that I can't make things that make a whole bunch (like the cake). My willpower is not there and I will eat it. I'm on the quest to come up with cool recipes for one!

Bought a new wii dance game instead of the barre/pilates class because this will last longer than 5 classes.

Friday, August 5, 2011


  • Breakfast:  1.5 eggs scrambled with mushrooms, bacon, iced coffee= 2.42 NC (0.75)
  • Lunch:  low carb mac and cheese=10
  • Dinner: James' Low Carb Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas=
  • Water:  (X) (X) (X) (X) () () () ()
  • Fitness:  strength training moves 

I'd say I need some vegetables in my diet today, haha.  That's terrible!
I'm having enchiladas too!!  :)


    Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

    Lunch: Scratch that....had 2 fish tacos w/black beans on corn tortillas at Cafe Nova. We also had one of their gourmet tator tots (only 1 though!) No idea about the calories or points. I will just watch the rest of my day and make sure I run tonight. I'm going to guestimate and say 709 calories for lunch and 16 points

    Dinner: Pizza w/ranch = 13 points = 490 calories (Couldn't resist the pizza)

    You were so right about this pizza! I absolutely love it!

    Dessert: Cake w/milk = 518 calories = 12 points (Couldn't resist the cake either apparently)

    Total = 39 points = 2123 calories

    Activity: Couch to 5k (Run 12 walk 2, repeat twice) Mom says it might not cool down to run outside tonight so I may just do a video instead. Dang heat. Stop messing up my plans.

    I'm sleepy this morning. I really just want to crawl back to my house and get into bed with a book. At least it's Friday. I think I'm going to go home, eat dinner, go watch a movie, come to the house and run and hit the bed.

    I hope your studying is going well!!!

    I did pretty poorly on eating today. I had multiple servings of cake because I just kept eating it. Claim it and move on.

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    Thursday- T-2 weeks Til Boards

    So I didn't work out yesterday and I should have since I ate ice cream.  I just wasn't feeling it, ya know?  Today is a different story though.  I'm fixing to go and do my running on the treadmill and then some strength training moves. (I wish I would have gotten up earlier because it is beautiful outside this morning!). 

    Sorry I missed your call last night, I was laying in the bedroom with my ipad and the phone was in the other room.  Call me when you get off work?

    • Breakfast:  iced coffee, wedge of cantaloupe, bacon=5.95NC
    • Lunch: 1 avocado, 5oz tomatoes, 5 cherries, organic bratwurst= 12.89NC (7.15)
    • Snack: low carb tortilla with sun-nut butter=7NC
    • Dinner:  chicken and shrimp fajita melt, and I also had two bites of mashed potatoes (they were actually fake and gross--thank goodness or I might have eaten them all). 
    • Running Totals: 25.84NC/ 7.15veggie/784cal/16.4 fiber/23.99 protein/
    • Water: (X) (X) (X) () () () () () 
    • Fitness:  couch-2-5k= -540cal
    • Daily Inspiration ( I just scrolled through some of the pics --not sure if the content is any good):    

    Thursday - Her's Day (At least that's what KJ says)

    Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

    Lunch: Turkey wrap (3), apple (0), yogurt (2) = 5 points = 285 calories

    Total before dinner: 13 points = 691 calories (Remaining = 16 points = 609 calories)

    Dinner: Cauliflower pizza w/mushrooms and bell pepper (So excited to finally try this!!!) = 11 points = 420 calories

    Ranch made w/greek yogurt = 2 points = 70 calories

    Total calories = 1181 calories

    Activity: Zumba or Jillian (I think I need more strength training this week so I'll probably go with Jillian and save some $ too...however I might just be in the mood to dance and then I'll just go to zumba)

    Just had an amazing experience!!! Went and met with 2 other food truck owners and they offered to let us share their space if we wanted too and I found out some great news about us parking downtown. All we have to do is pay the parking meters and we should be good to go! This is what I have been worried about so this is the best news I've heard in a long time. As soon as the bank will get back to me with a yes everything will be falling into place....(this means that something else will happen but we are ready to overcome any obstacles in front of us!)

    Screw Spititbank. I guess I will be out tomorrow looking for another bank. Someone is going to loan me that money!

    So every time I encounter a problem with this truck it just leads to something better! The banker gave me the name of group to call that specializes in women CEO's and entrepreneurs called EWF so I'm going to call them tomorrow. I looked them up online and they seem amazing. I think I'm supposed to know them for a reason. The second thing that this bank thing has caused me to realize is that businesses are expensive to start up but I think you can still do it on a budget. I save my money and granted I don't have a ton but I think I can make this work. So I'm buying the video camera and I'm going to start a video blog about this truck and starting a company on a shoestring and dream. It's starting to be so much more than just the truck now.

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011


    So I'm still obsessed with the bento thing....haha.  I just found a neat link to a blog of a mom that makes them for her kids lunches--although she gets waaaaay to creative (who has this much time??)   I like the idea of having a little bit of everything.  I'm still debating buying one of the little bento boxes though.  (Maybe the food truck needs bento lunches?  Quick grab and go?  Ok, so I realize I'm obsessed, haha!)

    • Breakfast:  2 slices of bacon, 2 cauliflower hash-browns, iced coffee= 7.93NC (5.52)
    • Lunch: stuffed mushrooms, avocado, 5oz. tomatoes=12.26NC (8.81)
    • Dinner: 3 mini tacos (just meat and avocado), sour cream= no idea, couldn't be too bad since the tortillas were the mini ones. 
    • Snack:  1 serving ice cream=15NC
    • Running Total: 20.19 NC/ 14.33 veggie/1008 cal/17.1g fiber/38..81g protein/
    • Water: (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
    • Daily Goal:  write out a workout schedule that has stretching and strength training on it (in addition to C-2-5k)

    Wednesday August the 3rd

    Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

    Lunch: 1 c. Peas (2), cauliflower fried rice (7) = 9 points = 379 calories

    Total before dinner: 17 points = 785 calories

    Remaining before dinner: 12 points or 515 calories

    Dinner: Veggie sandwich w/cheese (10?), 1/2 serving of sweet potato fries (6?), 1 scoop of chocolate ice cream (5) = 21 points

    Only 9 points over for cheat day. I'm getting better!!!!! I let Betsy eat half my fries, I was tempted to get a shake and just got one scoop of ice cream and had veggies grilled on my sandwich instead of a burger. I feel pretty good about it. I'm starting to realize as much fun as cheat days are they just make me feel worse the next day. Today I still cheated but only with small portions.

    I may not run tonight. I'm tired and just got in (9:38). We went and walked around downtown looking for places to put the truck. I also asked Larry to go see Captain America at 10:30. We'll see if he goes for it. What am I doing you ask? I have no idea. I miss him. I'm stupid that way. and yes I am stupid because he was like, i'm tired let's just wait til this weekend. I took that as my sign to go running.

    Activity: Couch to 5k (Run 10 walk 2 and repeat 3 times) Skipped Couch to 5k and just ran for 34 minutes all the way around the neighborhood which is 2.5 miles. Still really slow at 13.6 miles per hour but I did the whole thing without stopping so I'm pretty pumped about that!

    August Goals

    1. Make 2 new healthy recipes every week
    2. Try two new activities this month
    3. Daily 8 glasses of water
    4. Only one cheat meal a week

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011


    I was thinking maybe we should set goals for ourselves for August.  I think I did that for July, but I didn't get very far with them.  I did not lose the amount of weight I said.  I did pretty good on tracking my food and getting water in and such.  I'm going to think about them and then update them later.
    • Breakfast: bacon, scrambled egg with mushrooms, iced coffee=2.17NC (.75)
    • Lunch: 1 avocado, 5oz cherry tomatoes=7.15NC (7.15)
    • Snack: cereal=8.36NC
    • Dinner: tilapia, cheese and Italian sausage stuffed mushrooms, cauliflower croquets=8.93NC (5.48)
    • Fitness:  walking hills for one episode of Mt. Everest (My Geeky Show I Watch on Netflix)= -750cal
    • Running Totals:  26.61 NC/13.43 veg/1379 cal/69.6g protein/25.5g fiber

    1.  Do strength training moves at least twice per week
    2.  Incorporate stretching at least twice per week
    3.  Same 5 pounds (I'm much more motivated now!)       Lose some inches.

    Question of the day:  Do you think it is unhealthy to look at skinny/fit pictures for inspiration?  I'm debating whether this is a good or a bad thing and thought I'd ask your opinion.  Does it make you feel motivated or make you feel worse?  It motivates me I think...  makes me want to work harder.  Obviously the drug-skinny ones are gross, but I think the really buff/fit ones make me want to workout more.

    Running Tips (it says treadmill, but these would work outside too):

    Hope your meeting with the bank went well today!!  I've been thinking about you all day!!

    RE:  WW Making you feel bad--I think you are at a point where you are eating healthy and doing it right.  It's not a diet anymore, it's a lifestyle.  And as much as WW wants to say they aren't a diet, they sure make you feel like it if you aren't losing weight or if you're up a few ounces.  What's so trivial is that 0.4 is like a sip of water or something and isn't really reflective of a gain.  I think you should march in there and take your measurements TONIGHT so you'll have something REAL to look back on for progress.  Or a "progress picture."   You keep up the workouts like you are and you're body is going to look amazingly different in another month.  I agree, we can't be so focused on what the scale says if we are doing everything right.  I'm going to take a pic and measurements later.  No more focusing on that 0.4!  :)

      Tuesday the 2nd of August

      Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3) = 6 points = 215 calories

      Snack: Banana (0) = 105 calories

      Lunch: Turkey wrap (3), yogurt (2), apple (0) = 5 points = 285 calories

      Dinner: Cauliflower fried rice (7) peas (1) = 8 points = 323 calories

      Dessert: Cake (4), skim milk (2) = 6 points = 230 calories

      Activity: Zumba for an hour

      Total for the day = 25 points = 1158 calories

      So I fell asleep at 9:00 on my couch. Woke up at midnight to emails from Courtney about the truck then couldn't go back to sleep til 1am. I am going to have to find an outlet to get things out and then calm down or I will never be fully rested again. Hoping that extra time last night helped a little. I think I got around 8.5 hours so I should be feeling good. Maybe I need more water.

      I would do the goals but everytime I think of goals I put down weight and I think I've had enough of putting pressure on myself to lose weight and the only thing it's gotten me so far is frustrated. I need to get away from WW for awhile and let everything else calm down. I work out every day that I can and I plan to keep that up so I guess that's sort of like a goal. I'm in better shape than I've been in I don't know when. I think if I keep updating like I do and exercising I will be happy. Maybe I can think of goals that are healthy but don't have to do with weight loss or my exercise. Like try a new activity every week....or try a new healthy recipe twice a week. Something like that that's new but still supports my long term goal.

      Speaking of long term goals back on June 15th I said I wanted to lose an average of 1.2 pounds per week. I haven't lost any weight since June 15th but my body is changing and I Think that's why I've been so frustrated by WW. I go in and have exercised every day and have watched my food intake and I'm up .4 and they make me feel bad about it when no one else in that meeting even exercises twice a week. I think I'm bitter.

      I think we have a name!!! But I need your honest response on what your first impression is...feel free to ask anyone you know too. I want lots of response on this....Are you ready? And be ready cause it's kinda weird.

      Skookum: Local Food on the Go

      Here is a link to my pinterest for the food truck. I am now addicted. I was just looking before but making your own board is so much fun. I probably should have never started. My Pinterest site

      Monday, August 1, 2011

      Monday--I wish it was October Instead!

      • Breakfast:  iced coffee, bacon, tomatoes=2.36NC (1.44)
      • Lunch:  2 soft tacos, guacamole, tomatoes= 12.67NC (3.44)
      • Snack:  chocolate chip almond milk shake=2.83NC
      • Dinner:  Steak kabobs and green beans=6.33NC (6.33)
      • Snack:   cantaloupe= 5.03NC
      • Water (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ()
      • Activity:  couch-2-5k and then some= -650cal
      • Running totals: 29.29NC/11.21 veggie/1406 cal/83.81g protein

      So I am intrigued by "bento" lunches right now.  I may have to start doing this!  You should google image it!  It is the hot thing on pinterest too.

      This past weekend I had a slider hamburger that had peanut butter on it, and it was AWESOME.  I think your food truck needs cool combos like that!  I never would have thought it would be so tasty!

      Fun Links:


        Monday ....Is it really August already?

        Breakfast: English muffin (3), pb (3), banana (0), 1 c. skim milk (2) = 8 points = 406 calories

        Lunch: turkey wrap (3), apple (0) = 185 calories

        Dinner: Fried Rice (7), peas (1), 1/2 c. pineapple coconut ice cream (3), 1/16 piece of peach cake (4) = 15 points = 577 calories

        total = 26 points = 1168 calories

        Activity: Run or Jillian...Edit: No activity today. I decided to give my body a rest today. It has been over a 8 days since I've had a day off and I'm super tired tonight so I will be resting. I had to write a business plan for the truck to take to the bank in the am to get our loan so we can get our truck and now I just want to read and go to bed. I will go to zumba tomorrow tonight!

        So I canceled my subscription to Weight Watchers today. As of 8/19/11 I will no longer be attending meetings. I just don't think it's worth the money at this point. Some of this also has to do with looking at my spending and trying to clean up areas in my life where there are expenses I don't really need.

        Those lists are awesome! I need some of those!

        I may be confused. Can you explain the bento thing to me? Is it a way to arrange your lunch? Is there a purpose? They sure are neat looking whatever they are!

        Sunday, July 31, 2011

        Sunday July 31st

        Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas (4), 1/2 c. black beans (3), 1 oz. avocado (1), tomato, salsa = 8 points = 327 calories

        Lunch: Starbucks Grande Iced Chai (6) = 200 calories

        Snack: Ice cream (3) = 120 calories

        Dinner: Cauliflower fried rice (7), green pepper (0), greek yogurt dip (4) = 11 points = 441 calories

        Total = 28 points = 1078 calories

        Fitness: Jillian Ripped in 30 or Couch to 5K. Haven't decided yet. I want to go to zumba at 2 but we're going to look at the food truck at 1:00 so I don't know if I'll have time.

        Trying to pick out some good recipes for this week. I will be making the cauliflower pizza this week for sure!

        Cauliflower pizza is next on the list. I got all the stuff for it today at the store. I saw this fried rice recipe though and it was so good! I know it's not very colorful. The red peppers at the store didn't look very good so I just added mushrooms and spicy turkey sausage (which is just ground turkey cooked w/spices). Have tried making rice with the cauliflower? It's like a magical item.

        Just got in from my couch to 5k run (10:23pm) I'm so ready for the weather to cool down so I can run earlier in the day. I used one of the running apps. It was nice to know my distance. Not so nice to know my pace. It was pretty slow but I guess I'm not trying to win a race at this point. I am now up to the run 10 walk 2 and repeat 3 times. I was struggling on my last one but was able to make it.

        Now it's time for some water and cake...haha. I made an angel food cake with peach pie filling. Mrs. Owsley gave me the recipe. It's just like diet coke cake except you use pie filling. I'm going to put it in the recipe builder as soon as I get out from the shower.

        For 1/16 of the cake which is a decent size piece because I put it in my large pyrex dish is is 144 calories and 4 points. It's 33.62 carbs, 0 fiber, 0 fat and 2.6g protein. Still probably not very good for you and James, dangit. My next dessert will be something with less carbs.


        Ok so I did not track yesterday.  I have many reasons, but mostly I just ate too much shit.  If it gives you any idea, we went to get a cupcake on Friday at Gigi's and instead of giving us each one like we wanted, they filled the rest of the box....yup, they sent us home with 6 cupcakes each.  They were closing so they wanted to get rid of them.  So yeah, I don't want to see a cupcake for a lng time (I only ate two-one Friday and one Saturday).  Anyway, got most of my application done and ready, so at least it was productive!

        Back on track today.

        • Breakfast:  iced coffee, cereal with blueberries=13.80
        • Lunch: crab cake, salad, peel and eat shrimp=2.15
        • Snack:  cheese stick, 5 cherries=5.01
        • Dinner: two low carb tortillas (8), taco meat, guacamole, sour cream=11.23
        • Total: 32.19