Sunday, February 12, 2012

Checking In - Week 6

Happy Valentines week!!! (This is me fully embracing the holiday of love this year)

So workouts weren't very often this last week which is probably why my weight is down. I'm convinced that's what happens. Ready to get back to 5 days a week at the gym this week.

Weight: 155
Arms: 12"/12" (same)
Bust: 33" (same)
Waist: 28" (same)
Hips: 34.5" (down)
Thighs: 24"/24" (so close to half an inch down. maybe next week)
Calves: 15"/15" (same)

Sorry I was so late in posting. We didn't get home from PBR til late last night then I had to be in Perkins this morning because Jane was retiring from choir directoring and then I went to see the Vow this afternoon and had to get everything ready for the week. If you have time please go watch the Vow. I loved it!

Weekly goals:
1. workout 5 times
2. Water intake
3. Nightly stretching and gratitude journal

End of Week 6 Stats

Good Morning!!

We have officially been going for 6 weeks now!  Go us!
Here are some of my stats:
  • Arms: 12.0/12.0 (+0.5/+0.5 from start)
  • Bust:  34.0 (-2.0 from start)
  • Waist: 26.0 (-2.0 from start)
  • Hips: 35 (-1.5 from start)
  • Thighs: 22/22 (+0.5/no change from start)
  • Calves:  14/14 (+0.5/+0.5 from start)
  • Calories burned: 3926
  • Weight:  140 (+2.2 from start)  <---This is amazing to me!  How can I weigh more than when I started and look 10 pounds lighter?? 
This is a quick progress pic to show you what it looks like to be heavier than start weight, haha!


Here's a great link to 60 weight loss success stories

Goals for the week:
1.  Track all food, including water and protein intake (in addition to carbs)
2. Get in your daily vitamin and 2 fish oils. 
3.  No eating out!cheating on food!  (Papaw's birthday is next Sunday--need to save up for a piece of cake!)

P.S. I feel a lot less stressed about this journey now that I can honestly laugh at/ignore the scale.  I didn't visit it at all this week (out of sight out of mind I suppose) and it didn't phase me one bit to see that number this morning.  It just feels different now and I like it.