Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 13-Postgrad

Good Morning!

2 weeks! Crazy. I already feel so much better. Our system rocks!

Breakfast: kashi-2
soy milk-1

Lunch: frozen veggies-2
turkey on english muffin w/mustard-3

Dinner: grilled chicken strips (grilled with oil)-4
grilled zucchini -1
WW bar-2

Snack: WW yogurt-1
raspberries w/honey-3


New Goal: 200 points-New shoes

Daily points: water, vitamin, protein, fruits/veggies, limited sugar, tracked, 8 hours, oil (oil w/chicken and in frozen veggies). No activity, no dairy, no NSV. 8 for me.

So much for me getting in activity. I will do another video tomorrow for sure. I let this day go by and did nothing. I hate days like that. It was relaxing but I wish I had accomplished something-what I'm not sure. Again, I need to come up with a hobby.


Good Morning!

We have almost been doing this for two full weeks! Can you believe it?
We are both in the 100's for points already--go us!! Speaking of which, you need to set another goal since you reached your 50 point one!

Breakfast: english muffin (1), fruit smoothie with 4 oz. yogurt (2)=3/20
Lunch: SmartOnes Cheese Ravioli (5), cocoa almonds (2)=10/20
Dinner: Salad (0), dressing (1), Minestrone Soup--no pasta, all veggies in broth (1), sourdough bread (3), calamari (9)=24/20
Snack: FF Hot Dog (1), PB Sandwich (3), snickers ice cream bar (7)=35/20, 9 APs used, 6 Weekly Used.
Activity: treadmill, stretching=+9APs

Going to see Wicked tonight! The plan is to eat at Spaghetti Warehouse, so I am planning on getting some type of grilled chicken salad and maybe some soup. We'll see how it goes.

Points: fruits/veggies, activity, tracking, sleep, limited sugar and alcohol( I am going to count this since I only had one dessert), lean protein, oils (I am counting the salad dressing), water, vitamin=9
No dairy. No NSV.

Did really well until after the show and I was SO hungry that when we stopped for gas I got a frozen snickers...

Friday, July 17, 2009


You got your dairy in yesterday--YAY! Good for you!!!

Ok, so I am possibly "cheating myself" this morning....I weighed in, and while the scale is being much nicer than it was a couple weeks ago, I am not below what I was last week (by 0.6#'s). SO, I have drank a cup of coffee and am waiting to pee before I "officially" weigh-in. I don't really care at this point whether it works....I am so glad to see the number that is on there now (haven't seen that one in a while!), but we shall see. I suppose you could call it an experiment....I am regretting not running yesterday now; perhaps I would be down... I am still super proud of us!!!!!!!!! I will update in a little bit with the official WI results... :)

I have decided that I need to become more flexible, as this is where my running injury probably came from several months ago. My new goal this week is to do a little bit of yoga each day. I found a section on the Runner's World website that is all yoga and is very even has a section where it tels you poses to do for certain problems (bloating, cravings, headache, etc...)
Here is the link in case you are interested:

I think I am going to start a box over on the side with inspiring/helpful links. Let me know if you have any we should add!

Also, have you ever seen these:

A lady was mentioning them on her weight-loss story blog ( and I thought they were neat!

How was yesterday except for the extreme soreness??? I have a love/hate relationship with days like that. You feel so accomplished, yet you are in so much pain. Those are usually the days I am motivated to do more activity, but can't even manage to get out of bed. (For some reason after lunges/squats/whatever I always have to worst time sitting down on the toilet--and getting back up, lol...)
Breakfast: Coffee with 1/2 cup milk (1), fruit smoothie with 4oz. yogurt (2)=3/20
Lunch: Lean Cuisine spaghetti with mushrooms and little shrimp (3), small can of mushrooms (0)=6/20
Dinner: Shrimp cocktail with tomatoes, onions, etc(3), chips (3), Tortillas (3), salsa (0), soapapilla (3)=18/20
Snack: cereal with 1 cup milk (4), cocoa almonds (earlier today--2)=20/20 daily, 1 AP used, 3 Weekly Points used
Activity: Yoga for 40 minutes (+1 AP)
WI: after coffee= Maintained!! (+3)
Measurements: -1/2" from arms, -1" from bust, -1/2" from hips (+3)
Goal: I achieved 32/30 AP's (+5)
OP: technically I was OP this week, as in I didn't eat over my weekly points, but I didn't feel like I was as much. Last weekend was a bit crazy/uncontrolled, so I am going to go ahead and say I was not OP every day this past week. I need to really think about what I am going to eat before I go somewhere and not just go crazy once I get there.
TOTAL: 11 weekly points.
+5 for being OP....I think you are right and I changed my mind!

Points: sleep, tracking, f&v's, limited sugar/alcohol, water, vitamin, lean protein, dairy, activity=9

Day 12-Postgrad

Breakfast: kashi cereal-2
Soy milk-1

Lunch: english muffin with pb-3
WW yogurt-1

Dinner: asparagus, cucumbers, green pepper w/dip-2
Wasa crackers-1
WW dinner-6

Dessert: WW ice cream cone-2

Snack: Jolly time popcorn-1


Daily points: Water, vitamin, fruits/veggies, protein, 8 hours, tracked, limited sugar/alcohol, NSV (I went to the grocery store when I was hungry which I wasn't supposed to do and all I bought were different kinds of veggies and WW popcorn). 8 for me today.

I need to find a hobby. I love my alone time but this sitting at home every Friday is starting to blow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Breakfast: cereal with 1 cup milk(4)=4/20
Lunch: Lean Cuisine (4)=8/20
Snack: Cocoa almonds (2) and Diet V8 (0)=10/20
Dinner: lean beef patty-grilled (4), WhiteWheat bun (1), 1 slice ff cheese(1), 1/2 apple(0)=16/20
Snack: 1/2 and apple (0), cereal and milk (4), Diet V8 (0)=20/20

So after I got home, we ended up going to the 11:15 showing of Harry Potter, so needless to say I just woke up, lol. James is so silly sometimes; he had to get up early this morning but thankfully is in there napping right now.

Nervous about WI tomorrow.... :(

Points: dairy, tracking, sleep, fruits/veggies, water, vitamin, lean protein, limited sugar/alcohol=8points

Day 11- postgrad

Breakfast: kashi cereal-2
Soy milk-1
Peaches and blackberries-1

Lunch: turkey sandwich-3
WW yogurt-1

Dinner: cucumber w/dip-1
frozen veggies -2
WW dinner -4
WW ice cream cone -2

Snack: 4 wassa crackers-2
WW cream cheese-1


I literally can barely move this morning. Haha

I did count diet coke as sugar. I know its not but it felt like it. Like I shouldn't be drinking it, ya know?

Daily points: Vitamin, veggies/fruit, protein, tracked all day, 8 hours, water, limited sugar/alcohol, dairy(dip, yogurt, soy milk). No activity-I could barely get up and down to sit down, no oil and no NSV today. 8 total.

Good luck with the weigh in. I'll be thinking about you! I think it'll turn out awesome!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Breakfast: cereal with 1 cup milk (4)
Lunch: Shrimp cocktail (3), chips and salsa (3)=10/20
Snack:cereal with 1 cup milk (4)=14/20
Dinner: FroYo with fruit (4)=18/20
Snack: ff hot dog (1)=19/20
Activity: Running on treadmill (+8)

Points: sleep, tracking, dairy, activity, water, vitamin, lean protein=7 points

Day 10-Postgrad

Breakfast: Kashi Cereal-2
Soy milk -1

Lunch: fruit - 1
Turkey and avocado sandwich - 10 (this was not my fault)

Dinner: Frozen veggies-2
WW dinner -4

Dessert: Frozen yogurt -3

Snack: V8 juice -1


Well I am able to walk this morning. Sitting down is a different story. I'm excited about this evening. How about 6:30? Meet at my place?

Ugh. Work is boring today. See. If there's nothing to do they should let me go home and I'd at least get to watch tv. Hey I might even do some exercise if they'd let me go.

Daily points: Veggies, protein, water, tracked all day, vitamin, 8 hours, NSV for lunch. I didn't get any activity, no oils, didn't meat the dairy and my sugar/alcohol was impaired by my stupid Diet Coke. I don't think I'll do that anymore. It didn't make me feel good at the end of the day. I guess that's 7 for me today.

I had such a great time tonight!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


WOW! I still can't believe your weight loss! That is so great, and really just makes me happy we are doing this! We are both so lucky to have each other! I am so happy for both of us!

Breakfast: English muffin (1)= 1/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0)=1/20
Lunch: fat free hot dog (1), progresso soup (0), special K crackers (2)=4/20
Snack: cereal(2) and a cup of milk(2), cocoa almonds=10/20
Dinner: Chicken/Veggie/Rice casserole (4), milk (2), choc. graham crackers (2)=18/20
Snack: 1 cup baby carrots (0), cantaloupe (1)=19/20
Activity: walking (+5), cleaning for two hours (+5)

Points: f&v's, dairy, oil (chicken was cooked in EVOO), protein, activity, sleep , vitamin, water, tracking, limited sugar/alcohol=10

Every time I log on here, I am reminded of your awesome loss yesterday. I am still blown away by it, and it is very inspiring. The past couple of days I have been struggling with boredom/bad moods/etc. I am making a list of things I want to do before summer is over with right now, so hopefully I won't struggle with this anymore....

Also, I watched Oprah just now and Dr. Oz suggests taking your multivitamin in two parts by splitting it in half to take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening. I think if we did this we wouldn't have the nausea issue (as much). I think I'll try it tomorrow. I am ready for our meeting tomorrow. What is the plan? Would you like to try that place in Edmond? We could go back to your house (or where ever) to chat afterwards. Or we could do the same thing we did last week and just meet at Braums in Guthrie if you want to kind of get out of town. Or you could come here. Either way. :)

I think the heat is really depressing me I think. I was really enjoying my morning walk everyday, but now I can barely muster up the energy to go outside and immediately regret going outside once I do. I have been trying to just do the EA Active or my exercise DVDs, but I am getting so sick of just sitting in this house. I think it is a bit of cabin fever. I went for a walk this morning around 9:30 (I have GOT to start waking up earlier!) and it was only 90 degrees out, but it sure heats up quickly....

I am also frustrated with the hubby being into the full football swing (basically) and having nothing to do...I know that this is my own fault, but I am going to have to get up off my ass and stop feeling bad for myself so I can enjoy the rest of the summer. This week also sucks because waiting on the next paycheck to feel a little bit better about the bank account. Spent a little more than usual this month and we get nervous when it gets below a certain point, so I feel bad spending much/going anywhere. Don't worry though, I have money for ice cream tomorrow! :)

Plan for tomorrow: Wake up early (at least 7 am). Eat a good breakfast. Pack a small snack. Go to Colvin. Workout (cardio and weights). Get a spray tan. Eat lunch with parents. Come home and do something on "Summer To-Do List." Meet you for ice cream/weekly strategy meeting. :)

Ok, I feel better now. Thanks for listening/reading. :)
Going to go make list, cook dinner (chicken and rice...I think you need this recipe! Too easy!), and enjoy the rest of my evening! (Yes, I am giving myself a pep talk...I think living with a coach does that..."now get out there and do it!")

Be back later.

Day 9-Postgrad

Breakfast: Kashi cereal -2
Soy milk -1
Blackberries -0

Lunch: turkey sandwich - 3
Peach -1
WW yogurt- 1

Dinner: cucumbers, wassa crackers and dip-2
frozen veggies -2
WW Dinner-6
WW ice cream cone-2


Goal of day: 30 minutes of activity. I have got to stop coming home and getting tired. Mom says if I'll just do something immediately that won't happen. We shall see.

Hope you have a great Tuesday!

I did it! 45 minute exercise video-check! My arms are still shaking and I probably wont be able to walk tomorrow but I did it. Tomorrow may be a 30 minute yoga video to stretch out my sore muscles. I do feel better though. This may sound gross but I love to sweat. It felt good to be active tonight. I don't think I could fit it in like this all the time. I will need to find a way to make it a part of my routine (not that I have a solid routine yet).

Daily points: limited sugar/alcohol, protein, fruits/veggies, water, vitamin, tracked all day, 8 hours, activity! No oil, not enough dairy, no NSV. 8 points total.

I'm so excited about tomorrow. What time would you like to meet? I get off at 5. I'll probably eat right when I get home so maybe 6:30 or 7?

Monday, July 13, 2009


I am excited for you and your meeting/WI. I think it is going to be really, really good.
:) GOOD LUCK! :)

Also, shrimp are a great source of lean protein!!

Breakfast: English muffin (1)
Snack: low fat hot dog (1)
Lunch: Smoothie with 1 1/2 cups fruit and 4 oz. yogurt (2), Light pringles (1)= 5/20
Snack: cocoa almonds (2)= 7/20
Dinner: Ham and cheese sandwich (3), light pringles (1)= 11/20
Snack: Chicken and veggie pizza (6), protein shake (2), apple (1)=20/20

Points: fruits and veggies, sleep, dairy, protein, limited sugar/alcohol, tracking, water=7points
I forgot my vitamin...didnt' get oils, NSV, or activity either.

Day 8-Postgrad

Breakfast: Kashi cereal-2
Soy milk -1
Frozen peaches -0

Lunch:turkey sandwich- 3
WW yogurt-1

Snack: apple - 1

Dinner: Asparagus and wasa crackers with dip -3
WW dinner -6
WW ice cream cone -2

Snack: V8 juice -1

20/24 - I had to eat late so I didn't have a full stomach when I went to the meeting. It was really hard to fit in all my daily points so I figured I wouldn't force myself to eat.

I'm very excited to go to my meeting tonight. Have a great Monday!

Dude! You will never believe this...I lost 7.6 Pounds this week! Holy cow! I could not get over it. I told everyone at the meeting what we were doing and they wanted to join our blog. We could be rich-just by losing weight. I am so thankful we are doing this. I came home before the meeting and thought about it and I am very lucky to have a best friend to do this with, very lucky.

Daily Activity: Vitamin, water, veggies/fruit, limited sugar/alcohol, tracked all day, protein, 8 hours. I didn't really have a NSV today. I feel like a broken record but I still got no activity point, no oil and no dairy.

Weekly: I went to a meeting(5). I did not reach my weekly goal -not even close. I forgot to measure but I did this evening so I'll do that from now on. I didn't get an activity point everyday so that's a no go. I did eat OP everyday (5). I wish I would have dropped a pant size. But I did lose so (5). I guess that's 15 for me total.

My goal for the week will be to get 30 minutes of activity everyday. Does Wednesday work again for our ice cream date?

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hey! I felt so weird yesterday not being able to update this!!
I can't believe we have made it through our first week! Today I am going to be much more controlled! When I get around birthday cake, man, it gets bad. My dinner choices were not pre-planned either, which I should done like you. Today is a new day though. :)

Breakfast: english muffin (1), fruit smoothie with 1 1/2 cups fruit and 8 oz. yogurt (3)=4/20
Snack: fat free hot dog (1)** =5/20
Lunch: Cheese rigatoni with veggies-Lean Cuisine (4), chocolate pudding (1)=10/20
Snack: cocoa almonds (2)=12/20
Dinner: progresso soup (0), broccoli/cauliflower/carrots (0), EVOO (2.5), special K crackers (2), cup of milk (2), choc. graham crackers (1)=19.5/20
Snack: cocoa almonds (2), english muffin (1)=22.5/20 (2.5 activity points used)
Activity: Wii Active +6pts

**the only reason I ate this was because I was feeling nauseous after taking the vitamin and it was the first thing in the fridge I would find to just shove in my mouth....I think I will start taking it with lunch since my breakfast is partially liquid, and apparently that is not substantial enough. Yuck.

I am craving sweets!!!! I am seriously considering driving somewhere (sonic? jalopy's? braums?) just to get ice cream. I think I am probably just bored, but man I wish I had some ice cream. It would be even better if it were zero calorie ice cream. Some one should really invent that. I guess it is probably called a sugar free snocone.

POINTS: sleep, activity, NSV (I didn't drive somewhere to get junk food), limited sugar and alcohol, tracked, protein, vitamin, oils, water, dairy, f&v's=11 points

Day 7-Post Grad

Breakfast: Kashi cereal -2
Soy milk -1
Blackberries - 0

Lunch: Turkey sandwich w/tomato -3
Cucumber and veggie dip -1
WW bar - 3

Dinner: salad w/almost zero balsamic dressing -1
baked potato w/nothing - 3
steamed broccoli -0
12 grilled shrimp-4

Snack: granny smith apple -2
Peanut butter- 2
WW yogurt -1


Off to try a new church! Hope you're having a great weekend.

Ok, so this veggie dip is incredible! They have individual sized greek yogurt and it's amazing that the you can eat the whole thing for 2 points. Then you add the dip mix which is 1 point. To eat the whole thing is a lot. About half of it with veggies will make you really full. I don't think I will ever make dip with sour cream again!

Today was pretty good for the eating. I got my water, my fruits/veggies, protein (turkey and greek yogurt-the yogurt has a ton of protein. I'm not sure about shrimp and protein.), vitamin, tracked all day, got my 8 hours, NSV (instead of grabbing Braums on the way home I came home and made a snack instead and I resisted pop again), limited sugar/alcohol. I don't know if I'll ever get my oil. I hate spending 2.5 points on 2 tsp of oil. I also don't know about getting in my dairy-it's really hard for me. I had one yogurt about 1/3 of the greek yogurt for the dip and 1/2 cup soy milk but I don't think that will cut it. I know I can get in the activity. I just need to make myself do it. So I guess that's 8 for today.