Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday 11/26

Hello! I'm glad you're back. I want to hear all about your travels. Seriously, we need to get together asap!

I was reading on beth's journey yesterday and the best thing I read was "Today is a new day". Amen sister. I don't believe in counting calories on holidays. However, I could have done a much better job at counting calories and working out the week up to the holidays. Oh well, no guilt and moving on. Ready to get right back to my routine.

I'm heading home today to get chores done and all my holiday decorating finished up. Today is also small business Saturday so I feel it's my duty to support some of the city businesses and hopefully get some Christmas shopping done.

Back to tracking. 4 weeks til Christmas and I would love to make that a very healthy 4 weeks. I'm going to make another workout schedule. It worked out really well for November (well, until this week). I'm also going to do weekly menus. This seems to be something that really helps me out.

Just reconciled my bank account. No more starbucks until at least 2012. Such a waste of money and I just calculated how many I've had in the past month. Nutso! Now, after typing that I realized I should just categorize no more eating fast food period. Usually I don't count Starbucks but now I will. No more fast food of any kind for the rest of the year!

I'm thinking maybe we could do some sort of holiday challenge. What do you think?

Breakfast:cottage cheese & pineapple (the cottage cheese didn't taste very good so I didnt eat much of it)

Snack: Oatmeal

Lunch:Polenta w/pizza sauce


Activity: gym time

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm back!
This past week was a long one, and I am very thankful that it is over!!!
The interviews all went well though, and it was fun to get to see some new places.  Kansas City is so fun and Omaha is surprisingly pretty (although it was really cold up there!!).

I'm super excited to get a full thanksgiving break!!

Breakfast: pumpkin spice coffee with cream (YUM, so glad they make this for the kurig!), icelandic yogurt with blackberries.