- Breakfast: 1 cup blackberries, 1 serving of icelandic yogurt, coffee with 0.6 oz half and half=166 kcal
- Lunch: 6 slices turkey bacon, 1 cup acorn squash, 0.2oz butter, 1/2 an apple, 1/2 clementine=303 kcal
- Snack: 1.5 clementines= 52kcal
- Dinner: baked BBQ chicken leg, green beans, acorn squash with 0.2 oz butter=410kcal
- Snack: 2/3 an apple with whipped PB, sugar free mint patty=245kcal
- Activity: treadmill for episode 1 of Sons of Anarchy=750kcal
- Total calories= 1176 kcal
Well this weekend was full of indulgences! Cake, ice cream, eating out, cookies! It was good and fun, but I feel like crap (as always). Today I am getting back on the exercise wagon! I'm excited!
I'm loving the mug!