In better news, I finished my residency application last night. My personal statement and CV are complete, as is all the other crap I had to put into it. Now all I have to do is decide which schools I want to send it to and press "submit" on September 1st! (Wow, I'm ahead of schedule even!)
Now I just have to study and pack today. I leave tomorrow morning (I have a long lay-over in Dallas-boo). Test is on Thursday. Be back on Friday. I will be at the mercy of the hotel restaurant and the testing center for my food, so who knows what I'll be eating.
Lunch: tomatoes,mac and cheese
Snack: apple
Dinner: steak and veggies
Hope you have a wonderful date tonight! :)
Also, remember: 15-20 minutes of working out is better than nothing! Even if it is just stretching out really well or doing some push-ups/crunches/lunges!
Best of luck dude!!! Safe travels. I know you'll do great!