Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've been running around doing errands this morning and haven't really eaten anything yet.  James went back to school today (the kids don't come back until next monday though) so I've been trying to be productive.  It is really hard to get stuff done when he is home and I'm not sure why since he basically does his own thing most of the time...

In better news, I finished my residency application last night.  My personal statement and CV are complete, as is all the other crap I had to put into it.  Now all I have to do is decide which schools I want to send it to and press "submit" on September 1st!  (Wow, I'm ahead of schedule even!)

Now I just have to study and pack today.  I leave tomorrow morning (I have a long lay-over in Dallas-boo). Test is on Thursday.  Be back on Friday.  I will be at the mercy of the hotel restaurant and the testing center for my food, so who knows what I'll be eating. 

Breakfast:  iced coffee (not much a breakfast, but it'll work)
Lunch: tomatoes,mac and cheese
Snack:  apple
Dinner:  steak and veggies

Hope you have a wonderful date tonight!  :)

Also, remember: 15-20 minutes of working out is better than nothing!  Even if it is just stretching out really well or doing some push-ups/crunches/lunges!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck dude!!! Safe travels. I know you'll do great!
