Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 Check-in

Good morning!!! I was a little worried about how things would go this week. Eating out with work/friends and family didn't make me feel like I had done that great but I did manage to get my workouts in and when I got home last night I decided to do a "last chance" workout. I went outside and walked for 5 minutes then ran for 2 walked 1 and repeated that for 30 minutes. Then I came in and did Ripped in 30 with Jillian. I was wiped afterwards but I felt really good. My body is a little sore this morning but not something that won't work itself out when I go to the gym later today.

Week 2 Stats
Weight: 155.5 (down .5)
Arms: 12" (no change, although I think my left arm is little less this week so I'm happy about that!)
Bust: 33" (down .5)
Waist: 28.5"(down .5)
Hips: 35" (down .5)
Thighs: 24"/24" (down 1", down .5")
Calves: 15"/15" (down .5/no change)

Everything is going down pretty much so I'm really excited about that!

Today I'm going to meal plan for the week. Last week I made mini mexican casseroles on Sunday and they lasted me til Thursday so that was great. No thinking when I came home. I could just reheat and go. I think I will try that again but with zucchini/turkey burgers this week. My lunch consisted of turkey wraps w/hummus and greek yogurt. I liked that but I will try and get a fruit/veggie in too. My breakfast was oatmeal w/cranberries and a skim chai. I liked it but again I need fruit/veggies. I'll be menu hunting this morning. I'm trying to get my workout/grocery shopping in so I can be home and ready to chill by the time the Golden Globes come on tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing some meal planning and cooking today too!! I like to just have a go-to meal that requires no thinking/prepping! Some nights you just don't have time or are too tired!

    I like the "last chance workout" !! I haven't worked out in 2 days, so I am back at it today, and am trying not to feel guilty for skipping yesterday's workout.

    Looks like you are on the right track!! Go Us!
