Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mid-Week Check In 1/19/12

Well, I have been having a little setback this week. I went and kickboxed on Monday and had a great time and then I ate all really healthy, good food. Tuesday my breakfast and lunch were great because I made them but then I ate out with Sarah and we had a cupcake after dinner and then went to the movies so I had dessert and didn't exercise. Yesterday I did well on breakfast & lunch and then I had to grab something fast and head to Stillwater for the OSU Women's game. I could have made a smarter decision but I grabbed a grilled cheese from Sonic which usually fills me up but yesterday it just didn't so then I ate peanut m&m's at the game. And I didn't get to exercise again so today I just feel ginormous. I think what is frustrating me is that I know how to well even when having busy, hectic days and for the last 2 days I just didn't do it.

I'm getting back at it today though. I've been doing really well with packing my breakfast and lunch the night before and my healthy meals have been doing a great job at keeping me full throughout the workday. On days when I don't have anything and can actually go home I have a healthy dinner waiting on me (this week was sweet potato stew w/whole wheat biscuits from neverhomemaker's blog) and everything seems great. But on other nights I need to learn to stay in control because it makes all the difference in the world how I feel the next day. Also, I'm in a conundrum with exercising. I love it and when I workout all 6 days I feel so much better but I don't want to limit my interactions with people just because of zumba class interference. Should I just suck it up on days that I know I can't make it to the gym and just get up early and workout that morning? I need a plan to combat these things.

I've felt so busy since starting my new job (which is a great thing!) but I just feel like I'm a little out of sorts and really want to get everything organized and back on track. I feel so much better when I feel I have control over things. I get to go home tonight and eat a normal dinner and then go to zumba class so my goal is to sit down and decide what I want the rest of January to be like and plan it out.

Hope you're having a great week! You seem to be doing so awesome and are really motivating me! It almost makes me feel like I've been a slacker but it's good that you're there doing so well and making me want to do better.

1 comment:

  1. Try and get lots of water in today and you will feel a LOT better! I promise!

    Two (not even a full two days) of getting off track isn't going to derail everything, but I know it feels out of control. Maybe working out in the morning on certain days of the week would help? Like if you know ahead of time that you have something that evening? It sounds like you are doing pretty well planning your meals out though and that soup sounds awesome!

    I think we are both doing awesome!!We just gotta keep up the good work!
