Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Activity: lower body (+4AP's)
Breakfast: coffee and milk (1), PB toast (3), ham (1)
Snack: protein shake (2), blackberries (0)
Lunch: ham and cheese sandwich (4), tomatoes (0), blackberries (0)
Snack: 1/2 apple and ff hot dog (1)=12/20
Dinner: salad (0), some kind of protein (3), small baked potato (2)=17/20
Snack: 1/2 apple, lunch meat (2)=19/20
Water: 2/10

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I suck at this now. I will try and start back tomorrow. Every day there has been something and I just haven't even had time to grocery shop. The duplex is finally finished though so hopefully this weekend life will return to normal.

    The date: Charleston's was good. He sat on the same side of the booth though and touched my leg all through dinner. Then we watched another movie at my house which was nice. He's just not someone I would want to date again. I just didn't feel it. I'm excited to see Chris on Saturday though. Hopefully that will go well.

    I miss you!
