Saturday, October 17, 2009


Breakfast: coffee with 1 c. milk (2), toast (1)
Lunch: frozen pizza (12)=15/20
Dinner: salad (0), vinaigrette (oils), tomato bruschetta with little bread/toasts (8)
Snack: diet v8 fusion (1)=24/20 (4 weeklies used)

WI: this week I maintained. I can't seem to get away from this number.

I think that I am going to refocus this week. I really need to stop just half-assing this. Although today's eating wasn't good at all.

Goal for the coming week: LOSE! (Track everything, healthy guidelines, get some activity.)

I feel like it is a new beginning for some reason. (I suppose it is for you!! Can I share it?) We just need to rethink our weight goals and what we are willing to do to attain them. I'd like to drop a few more pounds by Christmas, so let's get back on this.

1 comment:

  1. I ate on plan all week but I have no internet. Not sure when I will. I'll see if I have enough time at work to get all caught up.
