Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Sorry for no post the last couple of days. Work was pretty busy yesterday and then I went to zumba and when I got home I just crashed.

My eating hasn't been very good this week. I feel like besides lunch and dinner yesterday every meal has been eaten out. It's probably because I didn't go to the grocery store on Sunday and I only have dry pasta left at my house. I will be going shopping after work though.

Also going to go to the Y tonight to run/elliptical.

Hope you have a great Wednesday!

Ok so I didn't want to go the gym tonight but I forced myself and ran for a good 20 minutes and then did the elliptical for like 15. I couldn't wait to leave because I had to tell my mom I ran into Kirby from EB and he basically said that he may have a position opening up and I would love to go back to work for him. I feel like it's meant to be! How exciting.

I have so much I need to catch up on. I did get bills paid and was able to make it to the grocery store. I really need to go fold clothes and wash dishes. I may just fold clothes and call it a night.

I will be making another trip to Stillwater tomorrow for Beta Alpha Psi and another dinner out. I also am going to lunch with Sarah tomorrow so it'll be another day of eating out. Friday I'm going to stillwater again because Jim and Loretta (great aunt & uncle) are coming into town. We'll be going out to dinner with them. I guess I can't complain about all the outings I just wish it was easier to eat out. I'm really going to start watching what I eat. Obviously that didn't happen today. Breakfast burrito and nutter butters??? disgusting.

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