Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday-Back on Track

I love/hate Monday's. It signals the end of the wonderful weekend but it feels like a fresh start. I was able to do my cooking/grocery shopping for the week yesterday and get all my chores caught up so I feel like I'm starting this week off on the right foot.

Here's my menu for the week (I've decided eating the same thing every day for a week is the easiest for me because of planning and shopping so I'm sticking with this until I get tired of just one menu for the week)

Breakfast: Skim Chai & Oatmeal

Lunch: Turkey wrap w/hummus, veggies & greek yogurt dip (broccoli & carrots this week)

Snack: Pineapple Chobani (I can't get tired of this)

Dinner: Lasagna Rolls & Salad w/Italian dressing or baked kale

Dessert: 9 Dark Hershey Kisses

I also decided to plan my workouts out. I've decided that I will just shoot for 5 workouts a week instead of 6. Working out on Sunday just feels like it ruins my whole weekend for some reason so I decided to just not do it unless I really felt like it.

Monday: Kickboxing
Tuesday: Early morning Elliptical work
Wednesday: Toning zumba then weights after
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Body Pump (I've been hearing all about this class from a blog I read and I found out that my Y does it on Saturday mornings so I'm all over it!)

I'm feeling so much better and so much more in control. Now if I can just finish the 3rd Hunger Games book because I stayed up way too late last night reading and I'm super tired today.


  1. Those lasagna rolls look awesome!!! YUM. I need to plan my meals for the rest of the week since I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and tonight was a "let's see what I can throw together" night, which sucks.

    I like planning my workouts too, and I find it hard to workout on Sundays too (I missed my workout yesterday...just didn't want to!). I also missed Zumba tonight since I didn't get home in time, which I hate! So now my schedule is all off.... I'm going to try to go do something at least after dinner. I may have set the bar high saying I was going to burn 5000 calories this week....

    Body pump sounds fun!! Hope it lives up to the hype!

  2. P.S. I just got done re-reading the last Hunger Games....can't wait for the movies!! I'm pretty sure I was a little depressed that the books were over once I finished though; they are so good!
