Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I was just going to comment, but it got long.... and then it turned into a whole new topic.

I agree. So many gimmicks out there!  I feel like most of it is just about money with most of these diets too, which is frustrating to me.  I really felt like that on WW and feel like  that if I ever visit the Atkins site (they promote a lot of fake food type stuff which just looks yuck!)...

But then I feel like some of the diets are just so "hippy-ish" and are concerned with so many "toxins" harming our bodies...well, I'm pretty sure every time I pump gas I inhale "toxins" or every time I use Listerine, I'm absorbing "toxins"....where do you draw the line??  I can't use paper products because they ruin the planet, but I can't use plastic either because they'll give me cancer or autism or something.

Why can't we just eat what we want??  I know why I can't, because I would binge on things like cake or pop-tarts.  I've been having a rough past couple of days where I literally daydream about things to go home and pig out on that are not Atkins-friendly.  These mostly involve ice cream and french fries.  Not because I feel deprived by any means, but because I'm tired and emotional, and just feel drained.  Why do I want a cupcake to fix that???  Is it because growing up, baked goods meant love and comfort??  I'm feeling like things aren't fair right now.  (i.e. why some people could eat poptarts and cupcakes for every meal with no consequences) For the record, I have not given in to these urges!

Who's Invited: You Are!
What: Manda's Pity-Party
When: This very night!


end. scene.


  1. Amen sister!!! I'll attend yours if you attend mine. I feel like maybe we need a vacation.
