Sunday, January 24, 2010


Breakfast: coffee (1), toast (1)=2/20
Lunch: cheese stick (1), pb on slice of bread (2)=5/20
Snack: fro-yo (4)=9/20
Dinner: SMALL piece of low-fat lasagna(5), salad(0), corn (1), peach crumble (4?)
Snack: a handful of little marshmallows (2) bowl of honey nut cheerios (2)=23/20+5
Activity: walking for 45 minutes at ~4mph and up and down hills (+5 APs)
Goal: Get reorganized: make a plan for working out, for meals, and for tracking. (check!)

I do the same thing as far as estimating and not tracking!!!
Maybe you should rethink your snacks? Maybe some 1 or zero points snacks would be better? Or more fruits and veggies at lunch? I'm not sure what your typical day really "looks like" but I try and just each half of my points on breakfast+morning snack+lunch. This usually means I have to have a light breakfast or a light lunch, but I prefer to have a substantial dinner so it is ok. I really like my coffee/latte in the morning for breakfast because the warmth seems to fill me up so I don't need such a huge breakfast (like I've always had). I also try to do little things with it like toast (zero for one slice), 1/2 cup of fruit (usually zero) and maybe a couple pieces of ham cooked in a skillet (1)...that way I feel like I've had a big breakfast, when really I've only had a variety of little things. I think variety is usually key for me at a meal: if I get to have several different things in small portions I get full quickly. I like to do the same when I take my lunch so I don't feel so deprived (zero point soup, 3 point sandwich, 0-1 point salad/veggie, 1 point cheese stick, 1 point fruit=5-6 points for a really "big" lunch).

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