Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday: Manda

Breakfast: toast (1), ham (2), coffee (1)=4/20
Snack: 1/2 an apple (0), cheese stick (1)=5/20
Lunch: Hungry Girl Chicken Strips (5), salad (0)=10/20
Snack: cereal and milk (3)=13/20
Dinner: stir-fry (1) rice (3) =17/20
Snack: glass of white wine (2)
, 1/2 an apple (0)= 19/20
Fruits and Veggies: 6/5
Dairy: 2.5/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Protein: 2/2
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: 1/1
Vitamin: 1/1
Sleep: 8 hrs
Activity: Wii Active (+3)
NSV: Getting back on track and being excited about it! I feel better already!
Tracking: 1/1


I am going to go back to making the checklist everyday. Otherwise, I just don't get anywhere. I think it is good for me to have a daily goal that doesn't change. And when I write down "activity" with a space to fill in something, it actually motivates me. It also helps me to plan the whole day's food. When I do that I'm not constantly thinking about "What am I going to eat next?" and am not as hungry all the time. Even if it changes throughout the day, having it somewhat planned out it comforting for some reason. I really haven't been doing very well with my eating and feel like I've just been eating crap and not tracking as well as I should.


  1. I like deciding my meals for the week too. I feel much more in control. I ate crap this week too and I'm sorry I haven't been blogging. I need to just write it down when I screw up instead of blowing the day off instead.

  2. What a great day! You really motivate me. Thanks dude!
