Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ok, so I have not been a good fellow food blogger this week. Snow days and me being inside=bad decisions with food. I made puppy chow because I thought I was going to stacy's to be snowed in but I couldn't make it there so I had puppy chow all for me....and I ate it...ALL! Now, did I have to make puppy chow to begin with? No. Bad decision. That's really the worst of it but that's still horrible.

I'm going to walk to Wal-Mart today to get some food and to get out of the house.

I apologize for not tracking better this week. I have found out that I'm not good picking things back up. I think I'll look over some of my earlier posts for some food ideas for the week and for some added motivation.

Breakfast: Toast-1, Eggs-3, Turkey-1.... 5/22

lunch: pretzels w/peanut butter-6.....11/22

Snack: 100 calorie pack-2.....13/22

Dinner: WW recipe ->Meatless tacos-6......19/22

Snack: Grapefruit juice-3......22/22


  1. No. I really want to get back to meetings but I haven't been able to find one on Sunday yet. I'm still looking.

  2. They've expanded their online community to have a blogging feature where you can read others' blogs for the day which is really neat!

  3. Also, learned in school the other day that WW is the most effective/best weight loss group! That made me so proud!
