Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday (Time to Dance!)

Breakfast: Chai latte (homemade), 3 chickpea cookies

Lunch: Egg sandwich? Running low on food already, oops.

Dinner: Hummus melt

Activity: Going to the Y. I went to zumba last night and there were only 3 people so opted to not do it. I hate dancing with so few people. There's another zumbathon tomorrow for 2 1/2 hours so I plan on doing that.

I started thinking about resolutions I made at the beginning of the year. Instead of re-assessing where I am around New Years I want to do it now so maybe I can make some of those items happen before the end of the year. I am going to go home at lunch and get my list. I need to make some changes not just health wise but life-wise.

1 comment:

  1. I think reassessing more often than once a year is a good idea. I think often we put too much on "New Years" resolutions rather than just making constant changes for the better.

    I'm starting to come to the realization that I don't have to wait until Monday of the week to get back on track if I misstep. Why wait until Monday to better myself when I can start right now?
