Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Breakfast: coffee and milk<>, muffin in a minute<>
Snack: large apple<>
Lunch:mozzarella (4), EVOO<>, Balsamic<>, tomatoes, cupcake (3)
Snack: banana<>
Dinner: pasta<>, meatballs<>, milk<>
Activity: Jogging (+7)

Points: dairy, protein, vitamin, water, oils, tracking, sleep, activity, NSV (I worked our because I knew they wanted to go get cupcakes)=9 points


  1. Did you make cupcakes? That sounds good. Ugh, me and food still. I will not fall off the wagon, I will not fall off the wagon.

    Are you free for dinner or lunch soon?

  2. No, my study group took a break to go to this neat place called Cuppies and Joe over on 23rd. street. (www.cuppiesandjoe.com) It was neat and the cupcake was pretty and tasted good. I'm struggling too. Maybe we need a new goal--like for new years or something??
