Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday the 10th-Cake Day....

I have such mixed feelings about cake today.  On one hand, I REALLY want cake, but on the other, I know I don't need it and that it will slow my progress.  Grrrr, why can't I be one of those people that has a super-metabolism and could eat cake all day long without ill effects??

Breakfast: iced tea, 2 slices bacon, 3 oz. tomatoes, 1/2 avocado= 4.53 (4.03 veggie)
Lunch:  hot dog with low-carb bun, celery, bell pepper slices, cake
Dinner: steak, tomatoes(3.5)


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I sat in that Italian restaurant yesterday and thought to myself, "I can't wait til I can eat as much as I want again". And then I realized that if I want to stop yo-yo'ing on my weight I will always have to monitor and not just eat anything and everything like so many people do. It's the rest of my life. However the good part is we will be healthy and happier this way. It's just some days it doesn't feel as happy as others. I say cut the piece of cake into a small piece and have some. Eating portions of the things we love is good. However if it will make you feel worse later then just get through it without eating any even if its painful and think about how you'll feel later knowing you were able to resist. Or eat the cake and count it and move on because in the grand scheme it won't derail you completely and sometimes birthday cake is just worth it!

  2. Thanks dude.
    I think I've just been feeling guilty because I haven't worked out when I plan on doing it. Didn't follow through with my plan yesterday and haven't done anything yet today. Maybe I can make myself do something when I get home this evening.
