Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday July 20th

Breakfast: 1 c. strawberries (0), Peach Chobani (3) = 3 points = 193 calories

Morning Snack: Almonds = 3 points = 100 calories

Lunch: Subway turkey sandwich (7), baked chips (4) = 11 points

Dinner: 2 rolls of sushi, 2 glasses of wine and an ice cream cone = ????

Bonus!!! Came home and went running for 30 minutes. In my head it balances everything out, haha.

My legs are less swollen today!!! However I am up 2.5 pounds from what I weighed in on Monday at. I think my new thing will be the no diet pop and 64 oz of water a day to see if that helps at all.

Cheat Day!!! I have been looking forward to this since Saturday. We're going to sushi for happy hour today and I can't wait. That's also why I'm eating my baked chips. I also think I need to be increasing my calories because of my workouts so this is step #1. I know that the increased calories need to be from healthy sources but I also read a study that says if you stick to your plan 90% of the week then you will be okay. Since I'm really only cheating on 2 meals for this week I should be okay. I just need to remember I can eat what I want but I still need to monitor my portions.


  1. Yes, water, water, water! I'm wondering if the salt/on the go food you had last week is affecting the swelling??? Or is it just from working out?? Either way, ibuprofen or aleve and ice should help!

    Enjoy your cheat day friend! I think that is correct--we can't stay restricted all the time, and I think it is good for your metabolism to realize you're not in starvation mode too.

  2. Also, noon will be fine for Saturday! Where should we eat at??
