Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast w/honey

Lunch: Maybe schlotzkys. I've been crazing one of their sandwiches. Edit: small turkey sandwich w/no mayo and baked bbq chips

Snack: Popcorners chips (like popchips but different)

Dinner: Kashi pizza

Dessert: Pumpkin cookies w/raisins 

Activity: Yard work. I mowed and weedeated, then dug up two dead bushes and then transplanted two other bushes. I'm beat. No workout for me today. I'm starting back with the two-a-days tomorrow morning though.

Plan for the rest of the day

1. Clean kitchen/Do dishes
2. Laundry
3. Grocery shop/ Look for fall decorations
4. Reconcile checkbook
5. Change air vent filter 
6. Read
7. Go to bed by 9:30pm

Laundry is half way done. Still need to fold.I didn't make it to Wal-Mart so that is on my list tomorrow so I can buy an air filter. Pier 1 was closed so I will try and make it there some other night this week. Other than that I did get my bathrooms cleaned and the floors swept so I'm feeling pretty good about today. I'm going to go eat some Kashi pizza and make some pumpkin cookies. 


  1. YUM to pumpkin cookies! Recipe??


    This is where I got the recipe. I didn't use any molasses or allspice. They are soft and declicious!!! So fallish and so good!

  3. And I'm 11 minutes behind schedule. Ooops. Off to bed!!!

  4. Those sounds so good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
