Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday - The first day of Fall

Breakfast: none
Lunch: Turkey 6" subway sandwich, handful of peanuts
Snack: Teddy grahams
Dinner: WW pizza
Dessert: Light ice cream sandwich

I'm at my parents for the night. Not sure what I'll have for dinner.

Going to try and sneak in a run when they leave for the Cundiff's party.

I made a fall Want To-Do List today. This weather made me feel really energetic, like I want to tackle all sorts of stuff so I thought I'd write it on here. Do we want to try goals like we did in August? I thought that was a great idea!

Fall To-Do's
1. Run a 5k
2. Find a fall perfume (this just sounds fun)
3. Fix up my yard
4. Fall decorations for my house
5. Smores party (this isn't healthy but it sounds fun)
6. Fall soundtrack (I'm trying to discover new music I like and I thought this would be a good way to document it)
7. Book Club (I think I've found one to join starting next Sunday)
8. Fall wardrobe (I want to try out some new looks thanks to Pinterest)
9. Clean out closets/organize closets
10. New Fall recipes (Pumpkin? Yes!)
11. Fall flower pots
12. Paint front door
13. Finish refinishing dish cabinet

1 comment:

  1. I think the fall list is a wonderful idea. Yes, goals would be good....especially since I haven't been being very good lately. No exercise for me still.... Just need to get off my butt!
