Sunday, November 6, 2011


Breakfast: Apple w/laughing cow

Lunch: Interurban veggie plate w/only half of the honey mustard and no bread

Snack: 1/2 c. cottage cheese w/pineapple

Dinner: Rest of spaghetti squash w/kale mixture & poached egg

Activity: Gym time - 1:08 on elliptical (Average hr = 159, peak = 175) burned 706 calories. 6.06 miles

To Do List:
1. Clean kitchen
2. Clean kitchen floor
3. Grocery shop/Meal plan for week
4. New workout clothes

I think this may be the first time I have crossed off everything on my to-do list. Feeling really great about this week. I made a workout schedule last week for the whole month and I've made my menu with two new recipes on it for this week. I'm excited to get back to being super healthy. I'm also going to join Weight Watchers tomorrow. I'm just trying to decide when the best time to go to a meeting will be.

PS I also went to the doctor on Wednesday. She did blood work to check my hormone and thyroid levels so hopefully I'll be hearing back from her tomorrow. I got my pap results back on Friday and everything was fine so I'm interested to see what the hormone levels say.

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