Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Breakfast: 2 poached eggs w/salsa on an english muffin

Snack: Oatmeal

Lunch: Soup w/crackers, apple w/cheese

Snack: pineapple & cottage cheese

Dinner: Mexican Casserole

Snack: Greek Strawberry yogurt

Activity: Zumba

Heard back from the doctor yesterday and all my results came back normal so I guess I'll just start taking birth control again to regulate all my hormones and I should be fine.

I'm feeling really good about this week. I've been sticking to my workout schedule and my menu. I think I'll be able to only eat out once this week so everything is really back on track.

I read a pin yesterday that said weight is not the ultimate goal and it showed a girl at 127 pounds and then at 136 pounds and she looked so much better at 136 pounds. This again reminds me of why I quit Weight Watchers in the first place. Yes, it holds me accountable but I'm not sure I believe in the ultimate goal anymore. When I workout and eat right I feel so much better and start to not care about the scale because I know I'm doing something good for me. I think I'll try it on my own for November and see if I can keep up the mindset.

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