Thursday, November 10, 2011


Breakfast:  Turkey Sandwich w/cheese

Snack: Pineapple chobani (I have started buying the 2% instead of 0% because I heard that it makes you soak up the calcium more so than with fat free)

Lunch: Turkey sandwich w/tomato & spinach, apple w/cheese

Snack: Cottage cheese & pineapple

Dinner: Stuffed eggplant and chicken patty

Dessert: Chocolate mint soy milk

Activity: Zumba class (57 minutes, average hr = 154, peak = 179)

I got up this morning and the scale was down 1.5 from yesterday and down 3.5 from last week so I'm feeling super good! I have done really well this week with tracking all my food, planning out all my food, not eating out and exercising everyday. I will take a rest day tomorrow.

Feeling a little worn down tonight. It was a little bit of a struggle to make it through class but felt good when it was over. I think I'm ready for the weekend. Need to rest and make some decisions. 

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