Monday, August 10, 2009


Quote of the day: "You can throw in the towel or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face."

Breakfast: coffee with 0.75c. milk and mocha (2)
Lunch: PB&J (3), 1 c. carrots and some dip(0)=5/20
Snack: CCC ice cream on cake cone (3)=8/20
Dinner: chicken wrap with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes (6), 1/4 cup tabouli (2)=16/20
F&V's: 4/5
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2 (I am counting skim milk as a source of lean protein)
Oils: 2/2 (dressing on wrap)
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: yes
Vitamin: yes
Water: 7/6
Sleep: yes
Tracking: yes
Activity: strength training and stretching (2)

9 points

1 comment:

  1. Tabouli sounds really good!

    Any idea what day you want to hang out this week? Any idea for something you want to do before school starts?
