Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 40-Postgrad

Breakfast: 2 waffles w/1/2 tbsp butter-3 (I was out of everything to put on a waffle, haha)

Lunch: kashi crackers-2
Laughing cow-1
WW yogurt-1

Snack: popcorn-1

Dinner: spinach salad w/tomatoes, carrots, celery, bell pepper, chicken and penne pasta-10?

Dessert: WW ice cream bar-3

Snack: Yoplait yogurt-2


So a weird thing happened last night. I wrote on Brad's wall yesterday to say what's up and he messaged me back and we sent like 4 messages back and forth and then I said to call me when he comes to Edmond and we could get a drink and gossip about Perkins people. Then I went and looked at my phone and I'd missed a call from Brad. I called him back and we talked for 45 minutes. It was like old Brad. It was so fun! It was just really surprising I thought.

I made an offer on the house and then 2 hours later felt like I was suffocating so I backed out. I just feel like everything is moving really fast and I'm not in control. I never even really set the price-she did which she shouldn't be allowed to do. It was like a whirlwind. I'm going to talk to the banker on Monday-see exactly what I need to pay to get my monthly payments where I want them and then submit another offer. Needless to say this really took the wind out of my sails this evening. My parents came down to see the house and the whole thing was disappointing. We did go out to dinner and had a good time after I got out of my sadness. I do feel better though knowing I'm not committed to something just yet.

Daily: water, vitamin, oil, dairy, protein, limited sugar/alcohol, tracking, NSV(today turned out to be not such a great day but I went to dinner and there were the rolls at charleston's and I avoided them. I didn't even order a diet coke). 8 total.

1 comment:

  1. I think you just have to take it at your own pace. It'll all work out.

    Excellent NSV!!! You are stronger than I am!!!!! I need to get some of that will power!
