Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting Back on Track Monday

  • Breakfast: 2 pieces of bacon, 4oz tomatoes, iced coffee=3.80NC (2.88)
  • Lunch: 10 oz acorn squash, baked tilapia, butter= 25.25 NC (25.24)
  • Snack:  2oz tomatoes=1.44NC (1.44)
  • Dinner: hamburger patty with bacon and cheese, stuffed mushrooms x4=8.06
  • Snack:  1 apple with 2 tbs sun-butter=
  • Fitness: Walking, abs, and stretching= -624cal
  • Water:  X X X X X X X X
  • Running Totals:  57.31NC/31.68 Veggie/1505kcal/77.3 protein/14.4 fiber

I don't think there's a problem with eating out a lot (unless it is fast food) if you are able to have some control over the portion/stopping the moment you begin to feel full.  I say this, but I know I struggle to do either of those things when I eat out.

I've also decided that I like keeping an eye on my carbs/sugar intake, but I don't want to feel bad about eating fruit or carby-vegetables (like my squash today).  I am fine with eating these things and don't want to have to limit them (and their vitamins/minerals) just because they are a little higher in carbs.  I've decided that I will avoid sugar and processed foods as much as possible because they make me binge (i.e. cake pops followed by hamburger and fries, followed by chips, etc.....  I just crave junk after I eat sugar).  I like the Atkins diet in its entirety except for the avoidance of fruits.  Looking back and talking about it with my parents, my great grandparents lived until they were like 90--and what did they eat?  They were farmers, so they always had meat, eggs, milk, and all of the fresh/canned fruits and veggies they wanted.  They didn't have the money to buy a whole lot of flour and sugar.  And they fried everything in bacon grease.  This is why I am ok with fat too--the elevated blood sugar and insulin cause you to store extra fat and cause your bad cholesterol to go up (=heart attack).  I just feel like sometimes if I were to live a simpler way of life (i.e. without fake food) I'd be much healthier.  Trying to find a balance between my love of ice cream/sweets and eating right is really hard for me, but I think it is what I need.
(I realize that paragraph was a bunch of rambling....haha.  I'm not sure it even makes sense to me.  In a nutshell: I'm not going to count fruit veggies against me, I'm ok with fat if I am staying away from the sugar, and I need a balance of real food and the sweets I love.  )

Loving this storm!  Although, it was one of the eeriest things I've ever seen when it started, all of the smoke from the surrounding wild fires was blowing around and it didn't actually smell like rain, even though it was pouring outside.  So strange.  I'm very thankful for it though--we've been a bit stressed out with all the fires, and the one that was by our house had spread up to the surrounding towns and was taking out houses today (it's put out near us though--it's just covered a massive area).

I'm not going to run today, I'm going to walk my hills and do some strength training.  I'm just not feeling the jogging thing today, but I'm not going to let that be an excuse not to exercise at all.  I think I am low on energy because up until dinner I had only eaten 400 calories....just haven't been as hungry today.  Anyway--putting on my workout shoes right now.  I have to workout so I can have the gift I bought for myself when it comes in tomorrow--a new pair of work-out shorts.  I really love rewarding myself for working out with new clothes/equipment.  It's like a happy cycle that reinforces the good..  :)

Oh, and I am now "following" other people's fitness inspiration boards on pinterest.  I figured it might be unhealthy for me to create my own and obsess about what I want my body to look like, but I like to browse through other peoples....  I think it is less focused if I do that.  Here's a good one:


  1. I totally get what you're saying. Sometimes the good stuff has more calories/etc. but that doesn't mean we shouldn't eat it. Everything in moderation. And if you're eating just the good stuff and monitoring your satiety level then how can you go wrong? I read that thing she said about going into starvation mode and I just don't want to do that. It got me thinking about how many people actually starve themselves (me included) and how unhealthy that is. The body isn't supposed to be put through that. I may try bumping up my intake this week...and yes, I've said that before and didn't do it and just see what happnes. What's the worst that can take place? I gain? I gain every week anyway.

  2. Is this the post you are referring to?

    Its a good one!!!!!

    I agree with this a lot!
    I feel like we have made a breakthrough or something today....

  3. Yes this is the exact post!!! I've gone back and read her whole blog (work is really that boring) and this is my favorite post I think because it really makes you think.

    I agree. I think we've started done a whole new path today!!! Very exciting.
