Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday the 9th

Breakfast: Peach chobani (3), strawberries (0), 2 pieces of 45 cal sara lee whole wheat bread w/butter (3) = 6 points = 317 calories

Lunch: Salmon burger w/peach salsa (5), pudding (2) , pretzels w/salsa (5) , banana (0) = 12 points = 617 calories

Dinner: 2 salmon burgers w/peach salsa (10), a green veggie of some sort

Dessert: Raspberries (0), vitatop muffin (3)

Fitness: 1 hr. zumba ....I set my alarm to get up and run and it didn't happen. I just can't get out of bed to exercise. It may never happen.

Looking into joining the YMCA. They have zumba too but a lot of other things I want to try.

1 comment:

  1. The YMCA sounds like a great idea. You could try all kinds of new things there.
