Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Good morning! I am "on call" this week since there isn't much for me to do at my job since I only have 4 days left and they don't want me to start on any big projects so this week is sort of like another vacation for me. This means I really need to take advantage of this time and get the house organized and everything caught up in time for busy season. I'm trying to think of everything I want to get accomplished.

Here are the big things:
1. Put away all Christmas decor
2. Get garage fully cleaned out (I'm half way there)
3. Replace garbage disposal
4. Finish painting china hutch
5. Do an overall scrubbing of the house
6. Create a list of meals and ingredients so that menu planning won't be such a struggle for me 

Today I am going to tackle the Christmas decor and the garage and then hopefully shop for my new garbage disposal and paint for the hutch.

I'm continuing on with the exercising today. I was going to do zumba this evening but I think I'm going to go to Perkins instead to help with the food bank so I will exercise before I leave. I'm thinking about doing a Jillian Michaels DVD with strength training. I really need to investigate more strength training moves to do regularly. I'd like to break up my week and do arms on one day and legs on another. If you have any tips I'd be more than happy to take them!

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