Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well I apparently jinxed myself after writing that my week would be like a vacation because as soon as I posted that my email went nutso and I have to finish an accrual for a bank and a non-profit return by Friday so it looks like it will be a regular week. Oh well.

I was still able to make it to the Food bank last night but I still came home and worked out with Jillian. I did her No More Trouble Zones dvd and let me tell is a Killer. It hurts to walk down stairs today but I'm glad I did it. My arms are pretty sore too so I think I'll go to Zumba class at the Y tonight instead of kickboxing to give my arms and legs a day to rest.

I will be posting links tonight (hopefully) to some of the recipe staples I'm going to be using for my winter meals.

Favorite meals to make for winter:

Mini Mexican Casseroles

Spicy Tempeh Chili

Hummus Melts

Garbanzo Garlic Knots

Potato stuffed acorn squash

Hungry Girl Turkey Taco Meatloaf


  1. Aw that sucks! :( Sorry you didn't get more vacation time.

  2. P.S. I had to google "accrual"...and I still don't get it, haha! Look at you and your fancy accountant stuff! :) Hope Zumba class was lots of fun! I'm planning on going on Monday nights here and can't wait for it to get here!
