Monday, July 27, 2009


Inspiration to start the day:

So, I commented late last night on your previous post that I think I am off on our points totals. Going to the lake and getting behind really screwed me up. Let me know if you know what I have left off. (you're my number cruncher!)

Today, I am going to add the new daily points that I came up with a while back. If you have any new ones, let me know and I will add them! Also, I need your new goals/rewards!!!! I am going to update my new reward today sometime when I think about what I want, lol.

I am motivated (in general, about life) today. I am going to get a lot done! I need some exercise today too. I've been taking a little bit of time off from really workouts because my right knee was a bit swollen and I was scared I'd just mess it up if I didn't rest/ice it for several days. I have three weeks until school starts, and I really want to be down a few pounds....I am kind of mad at myself because I really wanted to lose ten pounds before school, but I would have to lose like 6/7 more to do that. I HAVE to stay motivated. I am REALLY scared about flaking out when school can't let me do that, ok!?!? I can't go back to what I was doing last year. It almost gives me a panic attack to think about last semester. Last fall I started out doing so well! I remember people being amazed at how healthy I ate and how I could turn down all of the junk, and that made me feel SO good!!!!! I remember one girl (the one that was appalled at mixing her Chanel shoes and Gucci bag) asking me "Do you really eat this healthy every day?" and after she saw my breakfast and lunch. I told her I did and I felt so GOOD telling her that because it was the truth and she was just amazed, as she looked at her breakfast (a cinnamon roll).

Breakfast: coffee with 1/2 c. milk and mocha (2), fruit smoothie with 1.5 c. fruit and 4oz. yogurt (2)=4/20
Snack: low fat hot dog (1)=5/20
Lunch: WW meal (3), sugar free pudding(1)=9/20
Snack: ice cream (3)=12/20
Dinner: grilled shrimp (2), salad (0), celery (0), EVOO (0)=14/20
Snack: milk (2), graham crackers (2)=18/20

Water: 6/6
Activity: none
F&V: 5/5
Oils: 2/2
Lean Proteins: 2/2
Dairy: 2/2
NSV: none
Limited Sugar and Alcohol: yes
Sleep: yes
Vitamin: yes
Tracking: yes

9 points

Maintaining is great!!!!

Hey--so I read something about the first 2 tsps. of oil being "freebies" as far as points go on the new Momentum plan. What do you think? Should we count them or not?


  1. Stacy did call. But she bailed anyway. The movie was funny. A little more vulgar than I thought it would be but it's hilarious.

  2. I say we don't count them...but if we start to see a difference then we can add them back. It's like the 0 point foods. you are allowed so many a day but if you start to see a plateu then you should limit to 5.

    Are you watching Dating in the Dark?

    What is the plan for tomorrow?

  3. Sounds good.
    I did watch it! I kinda like it a lot, lol. What do you want to do?? We can do dinner or ice cream or whatever.

  4. I like it a lot too! I was glad that last guy decided not to leave. I'm down for dinner and ice cream maybe? How does 6 sound? Where to? or we could do it later and meet in a different location. I'm flexible.
