Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Breakfast: coffee (2), 1 slice of toast with 1 tsp PB (1)=3/20
Snack: smoothie (2)=5/20
Snack: carrots and dip (0)=5/20
Lunch: mozzarella, tomatoes, EVOO/Balsamic (4), 1 cup blackberries (1), carrots (0)=10/20
Dinner: oatmeal with 1/2 c. milk (3), toast (1)=14/20

Points: dairy, protein, F&V's, water, vitamin, oils, tracking, only ate what I brought with me, limited sugar/alcohol=9 (didn't get sleep, activity or NSV)

I am SO hungry with the new schedule. Right now (10 AM) I am starving and really want to eat my lunch, but I know I will starve this afternoon if I do. :(
I think I just need to drink my coffee at home and eat breakfast once I get here or something. I came up here really early this morning, so that probably still wouldn't work.

Wow, it sure was raining when I left this morning. I want to be home napping. :)

Hungry, hungry day. I think a lot of this was probably boredom related because everything we did today was basically review for me from undergrad. Although that is probably a good thing it made me frustrated for driving in and wasting my time. Hopefully your day was better than mine. Lack of sleep didn't help either.

Also, my schedule is sucky this week and I am sorry for that. I have required activities both Thursday and Friday afternoons, but James will be out of town on Friday for a scrimmage. This means I have to go home to let the dogs outside on Friday. So, really Thursday evening (if you decide not to get drinks) or Saturday/Sunday. Either way is really fine with me. I'd hate for you to cancel plans on my account, but if you need an out, I'd be happy to oblige. :)


  1. You're a little off on your days dude. It's day 44 now.

  2. Wow, looks like I've been off on my days for the past 4 days, lol.
