Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 64-Postgrad

Breakfast: Rice krispies-2
Soy milk-1
1 c. peaches-1

Snack: Turkey-1
Laughing cow-1
Sandwich thin-1

Lunch/dinner:grilled chicken breast-4
baked potato w/sour cream-4
corn on the cob-2
Dessert: angel food cake-3

Snack: Sandwich thin w/laughing cow-2

Snack/Dinner: Red beans and tomatoes w/avocado-4

26/23 (used 3 weeklies)

The parents are supposed to be cooking healthy for me today. We shall see, haha. I can't weigh in today because WW is closed. I will try to weigh in tomorrow but I also have meditation class tomorrow so it may be Wednesday. I will go ahead and do my measurements so I can at least stay consistent with that.

Big plans for the day? I love no work Mondays!!!

Daily: Fruits/veggies, dairy, tracking, 8 hours, protein, oil, limited sugar/alcohol, NSV(the parents had all sorts of goodies in the house. I resisted, haha-just barely). I also can't remember for the life of me if I took my vitamin this morning or not. I remember thinking that I should take it because I wouldn't be home for dinner but now I can't remember if I thought it or I did it. I don't want to take one tonight if I already took one today-Am I losing my mind? 8 for today.

1 comment:

  1. No big plans except studying, which I really need to do since tests are coming up. I can't do Friday, but either of those other days would work for hanging out. Hopefully the cookout goes well. :)
