Friday, September 11, 2009


Weeklies Used: 21/35
AP's Banked: 22.5

Breakfast: 2x coffee and milk <>, muffing in a minute <>
Snack: carrots and dip <>
Lunch: caprese salad <>, blackberries<>
Snack: coffee and milk<>
Dinner: shredded wheat and banana with milk <>
Snack: piece of ff cheese<>, imitation crab ff<>

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy:2.5 /2
Protein: 2/2
Oils: 2/2
Vitamin: yes
Water: 6/6
Limited: yes
Sleep: no
Tracking: yes
NSV: no junk at the football game

9 points

.....So tired.....

You okay today?? No big deal, just curious. Hopefully you had a good friday!
Mine was sooooooo long. But I had coffee, so I am not really sleepy yet. Too much coffee total today...not good. Next week is going to be hell.


  1. Just completely ran out of time yesterday. How was the first girl exam?

  2. It was really good! Can't wait to be a doctor....I'm sick of all this studying.
