Monday, August 24, 2009


DAY #50!!

Breakfast: boiled egg (2), piece of toast with 1 tsp PB (1), coffee (2)
Snack: carrots and dip (0)
Lunch: chicken and noodles (4), ice cream (2)=11/20
Snack: coffee (2)
Dinner: ravioli (6)=19/20
Snack: blackberries (1)=20/20

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 3/2
Oils: 1/2
Water: 6/6
Vitamin: yes
Limited Sugar/Alcohol: yes
Tracking: yes
Sleep: no
NSV: Turning down free donuts/coffee/ice cream in the union....TWICE! And I reeeeeeally wanted a donut. In fact, I still want one as I type this.
Activity: none

8 points


  1. It's funny that you talk about donuts because donuts were the hot topic of the WW meeting today. They're like the one food that there's no substitute for. If we were to create the world's first fat free donut we would be so rich.

  2. I know, we should definitely get on that. The sooner I can make millions and drop out of school the better. Rough day... I still want a donut or some other form of junk food. I think that yesterday's AP's might get used some tonight because I am SO hungry! I think it must be because I didn't use any of them yesterday....
