Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 50-Postgrad

Weigh-in: Lost .8 pounds. Lost .5 inch from hips. Went to WW meeting. Did not make my goal. Was on plan on all week. 16 points!

Breakfast: Rice Krispies-2
Soy milk-1
1 c. peaches-1

Lunch: Wrap-1
Chicken salad w/grapes and celery-2
Rice pudding-2

Snack: applesauce-1

Dinner: veggie burgers x 2-2
1 c. peas-1

Dessert: WW ice cream bar-2

Snack: wasa crackers w/dip-4


Daily: water, vitamin, fruits/veggies, protein, tracking, 8 hours, activity(Salsa dancing for 30 minutes), limited sugar/alcohol. 8 for today.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for a loss!!!!!!

    I am still so AMAZED at how well we are doing. We are changing our lives right now! If one of us had to go to the doctor or something we could honestly say that we are eating healthy. We are really doing the best for our bodies!
