Monday, September 14, 2009


Breakfast: coffee <>, milk <>, (A pillow for you sir?)
Snack: Muffin In a Minute <>, banana<>
Lunch: Stew<>
Dinner: enchilada with salsa(8), cookie (3)
Snack: banana

F&V's: 5/5
Dairy: 2/2
Protein: 2/2
Oils: 2/2
Water: 6/6
Vitamin: yes
Tracking: yes
Sleep: yes
NSV: Had a football dinner tonight and kept my portion sizes small and tried not to pig out.
Activity: Nope.... :(

10 points

I know what you mean. I hate WI during my time of the month. Boo on having a uterus.

Studying at home today. I HAVE to workout. I haven't in days and feel so guilty and stressed! So, hopefully I will go for a run and maybe even do some Wii Active.


  1. Does your Wal-Mart have greek yogurt? Mine has been out for 3 weeks! I'm gonna freak out on someone.

  2. I don't know because last time I bought several of them and they have lasted. Next time I'm there I will check, but I am not getting my hopes up since they never have anything I want.
